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Gta Iv

K.os Theory

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Got mine yesterday, but not gonna play it till the weekend.


Can anyone tell me if the punch button has gone back to the way it was, instead of San An where as soon as you press the button it punches, you can hold down the button and run around in a "watch the birdie" stylie before unleashing a haymaker on an old lady? One of my favourite GTA pastimes.

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Played for about an hour yesterday. Managed to get 2 helicpters and 6 police cars after me within about 15 minutes of getting used to it.


LOL me too...took a drive over one of the footbridges and bingo...they whole LCPD were after me.


It certainly looks fantastic....I just stood down by the harbour for a while during a quiet moment and just watched the cityscape and all going on around. I could almost hear the sound of the water rushing by (above the screaming cooling fan of the xbox!)....cant wait to have a proper session on it at the weekend.

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Are all the vents clean? I've not seen you on very much, it might have clogged up with dust!


Nah I play CoD4 quite a lot. That's when it first happened the other night, just a screen freeze. I thought nothing of it. The Xbox 'could' sit fairly idle and it wouldn't happen - as soon as it rendered any 3D it would die. After a few attempts at getting stuff working it displayed the red ring. It's in a well ventilated place the vents all seem fairly clear of dust. Buggers.

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I'll be keeping an eye on this one, if this is where the worm turns as it were, and the PS3 proves its credentials, I might jump over to the other side.)


The PS3's been suffering lock ups too. 360 version is a higher rez also.


Yeah i saw a lot of these reports coming in about PS3's freezing during gameplay, and was worried especially as I have a launch 60gb. It seems to be worse over the water in the US though. I think its down to bad batches of disks, mine runs fine - smooth as you like, thank god. At least it just freezes the game and doesn't kill your console like RROD.


As for higher rez, well it's been stated that the 360 'almost certainly' is - but in the same article states:


" the PS3's lower resolution serves to mask a lot of the nasty after effects," said Leadbetter.


"For example, look at the dithering on the signs in the background on those shots. A bit ugly on Xbox 360, but smoothed and blurred away on PS3, presenting a generally nicer look."


It's an awesome game whatever console your on - I'm just loving the attention to detail, scripting, music and look and feel. I haven't even touched multiplayer yet - that's for tonight!

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I'll be keeping an eye on this one, if this is where the worm turns as it were, and the PS3 proves its credentials, I might jump over to the other side.)


The PS3's been suffering lock ups too. 360 version is a higher rez also.


Yeah i saw a lot of these reports coming in about PS3's freezing during gameplay, and was worried especially as I have a launch 60gb. It seems to be worse over the water in the US though. I think its down to bad batches of disks, mine runs fine - smooth as you like, thank god. At least it just freezes the game and doesn't kill your console like RROD.


As for higher rez, well it's been stated that the 360 'almost certainly' is - but in the same article states:


" the PS3's lower resolution serves to mask a lot of the nasty after effects," said Leadbetter.


"For example, look at the dithering on the signs in the background on those shots. A bit ugly on Xbox 360, but smoothed and blurred away on PS3, presenting a generally nicer look."


It's an awesome game whatever console your on - I'm just loving the attention to detail, scripting, music and look and feel. I haven't even touched multiplayer yet - that's for tonight!

Yeah I think I would have prefered the 360 version to drop the res a tiny amount like the ps3 so It would have had the same anti aliasing applied and less frame rate drops. Cus there is no doubt the ps3 version looks better.

The pretty poo jaggies on the 360 is niggling at me a bit.

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Yeah I think I would have prefered the 360 version to drop the res a tiny amount like the ps3 so It would have had the same anti aliasing applied and less frame rate drops. Cus there is no doubt the ps3 version looks better.

The pretty poo jaggies on the 360 is niggling at me a bit.


Hah, what is this lunacy? The PS3 version has the anti aliasing disabled, because it's performance isn't good enough. Thats also the reason it's a lower resolution, to keep the frame rate up, and even then it gets choppy in places.


Only a ps3 fan boy could turn this into some kind of advantage.


It's a landmark title, and the ps3 is underperforming the 360 by a good 30% and the 360 version has 2 x anti aliasing. The PS3 Gamespy stuff's reportedly guff too.


No doubt the ps3 looks better, it's such a blurry mess that you can't see if it's better or not! The dithering issues on the 360 are limited to the shadows, which while not ideal, is better than having everything lower rez.

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Getting 'disc is unreadable' errors now, even though it came straight out of the box, fingers round the edges, and into the drive, and was working fine up until a couple of hours ago.


That said, it hasn't been freezing as much.


I think I might trade this Premium 360 in at GAME and get an Elite whilst it's still functioning :ph34r:


Also, how fucking funny is the strip club? Having the controller vibrate in my hand every time the dancer got near to my groin was superbly amusing, even if it did cost me $50 (and I haven't got much cash yet).


The mark of a brilliant sandbox game is how inclined you are to simply fuck off the storylines (and there are numerous threads to choose from in GTAIV) and simply dick about doing stupid stuff, and in the case of GTAIV, that's very inclined :D

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