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Gta Iv

K.os Theory

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Of course!! silly me, only what slim says is fact ..everyone else is speaking Bullsh1t... dohh i feel such a lemon. :rolleyes:


You are a lemon if you claim lower resolution is better. Jeez, we should all throw away our HD TV's then and go back to crt tubes, lets hear it for low rez!


If you prefer, why not keep playing your 360 version and smear butter all over your tv. It'll look ace!

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well i managed to get the secound island b4,

5 stars cops every where, butwhen u in the subway thay cant get you lol


took about 3 secs to be blowen away as soon as i tryed to go up top, lol



so far my 360 has held up,

and to be honest havent noticed any bad things on game play

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It's a landmark title, and the ps3 is underperforming the 360 by a good 30% and the 360 version has 2 x anti aliasing. The PS3 Gamespy stuff's reportedly guff too.


No doubt the ps3 looks better, it's such a blurry mess that you can't see if it's better or not! The dithering issues on the 360 are limited to the shadows, which while not ideal, is better than having everything lower rez.


Go Slim, you win. Hurrah!


BTW still loving the game.... ;)

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Just finished a 2 day session, my head wants to explode now, i swear i can still hear Lazlo gobbing off about something on the radio! Having hammered most of the aspects and crunching my way through loads of the missions i think it is safe to say that this will be keeping me amused for a long time to come.


After a while i took a break from the missions and got into mischeif, there is so much to do besides the Story Arc, i was very impressed. Pigeon extermination has me hooked at the moment!!


Also i was well chuffed when i stacked a bike into the Water and swam instead of dying instantly (used to hate that in the other GTA`s).


The Multiplayer part of it has been fun but i think i will focus on that once i have seen a bit more of the game content.

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Like immortal i've just finished a 2day bender on the game, awesome awesome stuff, everything I wanted and more...personal highlights so far are the cabaret club ( the magician?!?!?! ), the oh so hard to find pigeons and just watching what lunacy happens when you just stand around and wait...

Have had a few goes on the multi-player, loving cops 'n crooks and bomb da base, but can see one hell of a lifespan on this title! Amazing :D

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Another 2 day GTA'athonner here.


Absolutely loving it myself, I've done about 12 hours on it, yet am only about 8% complete and still on the first island. There's just so much

shit to see, you can lose hours just wandering round watching people or reading signs, looking through binoculars at spectacular views, watching

the sunset. And they've added so much to an already great formula, the new combat system is very good, you can lock on and kill someone with

lots of shots, or free aim and headshot em with one bullet for kicks, without having to fuck around in an options screen either. You can hide

behind a wall and duck out too, it's ace. The driving physics are very much improved, you can't just hare around at full speed now, you have to

brake, you have to drive better. The internet is ace in it too, another avenue for the culture of liberty city to get to you and very well

written. I like the cop missions too, wont say more in case you haven't found em, but it's very nifty. The volume of content is staggering,

emails, web pages, shows, comedy clubs, radio stations, chat from pedestrians, the TV stations, minigames like pool and darts, where do they get it all from?


There's things I'm not loving, I like the new cop wanted system, but bloody hell are they hard for 3 stars and over. I guess they should be,

but when you're trying to complete a mission and get busted from behind, gaaaah. The rockstar website stuff is rubbish too, where's the forza style screenshot uploads, that would rule! Online hasn't really grabbed me either, I think servers need to have the lock on removed or it's a bit silly. Oh and finding which buildings are open and not is a bit fustrating, walking up to doors and seeing if they open. Oh, and your mates need a lot of attention, not sure if I like that or not, but I suppose I could just ignore them if I didn't feel so much damn guilt! Ah and multi stage missions, fail the last bit and do the whole thing again, argh!


Other stuff I love, the cinematic view, the slow time on the stunt jumps (even though I've only found 3 gah!), the way the screen colours wash out when you're near death, the weather, the bloody hilarious shop names, tw@ for an internet caf? Hehe. The mobile phone is genius too, it's such a seamless method of integrating some structure into the game. Instead of a 'you failed' message, you get a txt, perfect. Want to contact someone in game? Just give em a call. See a number on an add, ring it, it's funny. Oh and how hard is it to drive pissed? And taxi rides, what a great idea!


Loving it. What's all this about pigeons? :)

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keep on searching buddy!


The temptation to google is killing me, but I muss resist. Apparently the 'find stuff' maps are hidden in the in-game internet too, nice touch.


anyone up for some co-op online action over the weekend?


Yeah probably, can only play when the kids aren't around for obvious reasons. And, sales info in, from Eurogamer:


Day one UK sales stood at 609,000 units, beating the previous record for the fastest-selling game set by GTA: San Andreas (501,000 units). 

GTA IV is officially Better Than Halo, at least in sales terms. Rockstar's latest epic is now the fastest-selling Xbox 360 title, with 335,000 units sold on the first day. Halo 3 previously held the record with 266,000 units. 

It's a similar story for PS3 - no longer is Gran Turismo 5: Prologue, which sold 80,000 copies on day one, the fastest-selling game for the console. GTA IV has eclipsed that figure by shifting 274,000 copies. "


600,000 in a day! Jebus!

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I am keeping my eye out about upgrading your phone, when logging onto the police comp`s there is an option to upload a photo and when you try and do it it says incompatible device. In game screenie comp for the best phone pic would be fun!

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I want it, I want it now!! Bah! Our preorder copy has been sat in the shop since release day, hopefully we'll get it tonight but I'll not get near that until the hubby gets bored (which will be never by the sound of things...) So I'll have to buy myself the 360 version this weekend I think.


Do you guys ever see your wives/girlfriends?

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