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Killer Gets Permit To Work In Iom


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Take the mick out of this too, vidio included. http://itn.co.uk/news/d3e910f2bb81354e20e03d3cdac919f0.html


That irrelevant story originates in Slough, not the Isle of Man.


And it originates from Romania, spreads to Slough where next, only time will tell. Well if its not on your door step dont worry

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Now when these guys arrived here "the European arrest warrants did not exist. They were revealed only during checks made after they were arrested in June 2007. "


So this could happen anywhere, with people of any nationality. Some comeover Brit like me could arrive here with no convictions on record at the time but then be arrested or even convicted many years later of another offence. Happened to an English bloke i worked with for 5 years..one day in work, the next arrested and 6 months later given 10 years for child sex offences he'd hidden years earlier.



IMO ALL people regardless of nationality, who come over to the Isle of Man to work should be Police checked. It's a pity that everyone coming and going through our ports couldn't be checked and all the drug dealers and other vile people couldn't be stopped and turned back like Australia and America.


Oh what the heck! Bring back the birch as well :rolleyes:


So by that reasoning all Manx people going to live in the UK or Ireland for work or study should be checked out by the UK or Irish police force?


All Manx people entering through UK or Irish ports should be interviewed and checked?



I don't see the problem with everyone getting checked out here or over there, DO YOU? (Mind you, it probably depends if you've got something to hide)

(I never mentioned being interviewed, but if thats what you want, then fine, add time constraints to the equation)


But hey boy!, you're entitled to your opinion as I do mine and bottom line is, no one but us gives a damn anyway, so like all threads, this will end up long forgotten until another offence is committed by a non Manx person with a work permit. :huh:


I just think you are being a bit 'Manx' and insular about this. There is a big wide world out there where people generally are well behaved and do value human life under normal circumstances. You suggested everyone travelling to the Island should be checked, if a reciprocal piece of legislation were passed for Manx travelling to the UK, then it would be a huge drain on resources and slow down travel and efficiency. Try crossing between Spain and Gibraltar at a busy time, and no plane or ship is involved there. There are adequate opportunities to observe people during travel and passing through the port without checking them.

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....blah blah blah...


Problem is in some of these countries the population dont put much value in human life.


As my Grandad use to say, you can take the monkey out of the jungle but you cant take the jungle out of the monkey.


Are you or/and your grandfather a) stupid b) have a mental age of 10 due to the watching of itn combiined with the daily reading of a red top newspaper or c) just an imbicile

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Now when these guys arrived here "the European arrest warrants did not exist. They were revealed only during checks made after they were arrested in June 2007. "


So this could happen anywhere, with people of any nationality. Some comeover Brit like me could arrive here with no convictions on record at the time but then be arrested or even convicted many years later of another offence. Happened to an English bloke i worked with for 5 years..one day in work, the next arrested and 6 months later given 10 years for child sex offences he'd hidden years earlier.



IMO ALL people regardless of nationality, who come over to the Isle of Man to work should be Police checked. It's a pity that everyone coming and going through our ports couldn't be checked and all the drug dealers and other vile people couldn't be stopped and turned back like Australia and America.


Oh what the heck! Bring back the birch as well :rolleyes:


So by that reasoning all Manx people going to live in the UK or Ireland for work or study should be checked out by the UK or Irish police force?


All Manx people entering through UK or Irish ports should be interviewed and checked?



I don't see the problem with everyone getting checked out here or over there, DO YOU? (Mind you, it probably depends if you've got something to hide)

(I never mentioned being interviewed, but if thats what you want, then fine, add time constraints to the equation)


But hey boy!, you're entitled to your opinion as I do mine and bottom line is, no one but us gives a damn anyway, so like all threads, this will end up long forgotten until another offence is committed by a non Manx person with a work permit. :huh:


I just think you are being a bit 'Manx' and insular about this. There is a big wide world out there where people generally are well behaved and do value human life under normal circumstances. You suggested everyone travelling to the Island should be checked, if a reciprocal piece of legislation were passed for Manx travelling to the UK, then it would be a huge drain on resources and slow down travel and efficiency. Try crossing between Spain and Gibraltar at a busy time, and no plane or ship is involved there. There are adequate opportunities to observe people during travel and passing through the port without checking them.


If being Manx means that I love my island and stops crap coming over, then so be it. If it means that that someone doesn't get mugged, raped, burgled etc etc, then I'll shout my opinions out and so be it also. You mentioned a huge drain on resources, but again, so what, if we can afford a new sewage system, hospital and prison (to name but a few) then I'm sure we could do better in safeguarding our very friends and family. It's about time we had stricter controls and like said before, bring in a database like the Americans have. :hug:

England is getting torn apart by people who don't give a damn about others and little by little, it's spreading over here and various do gooders are too concerned about the rights of the offender or are these do gooders offenders? One wonders at times!

You mentioned about being insular, well tell that to my friend who was minding her own business and check her for scars, so don't preach that shit to me!!! I've seen what crap is out there and one wonders if you'd object to the crap coming over here in the first place -- WELL, DO YOU OBJECT TO THEM COMING OVER? :ermm:


Yes there are plenty of good people out there (occasionally stated in the papers), but there's plenty of scum about too (proven in any paper) and I'm sure that you'll agree, that keeping the crap from coming to the Isle of Man, it'll make people safer over here

With regards to the crap on the island already, lets hope they go to gaol soon and give everyone a break.

(I feel better for that) :thumbsup:

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It's quite simple isn't it? When people apply for a work permit the work permit office should get a police criminal records check from the country they are coming from, as part of their employment check. This will keep many of dregs from the UK and the ROW getting the opportunity to settle here, as well as protecting employers from potential thieves and the rest of us from potential violence etc. etc. These costs should be on both the employer and the applicant, and not Joe Taxpayer.


I currently carry out work for a employer, that operates all over the world, which does this as a matter of course for both permanent and contract employees. A standard UK check costs £31 and an enhanced check £36. The National Criminal Register in Poland provides a similar service, as do other organisations in other countries. This amount of money is sod all, when you consider the potential legal costs that become involved when any immigrants start committing crimes upon their arrival.

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Sadly even killers who hold EU passports have the right of free movement throughout the EU. They have better mobility rights than law-abiding Manxmen as defined under Protocol 3.


You have to question the work permit system though, if the checks don't come up in the first place its a waste of time having a permit system.


Who knows how many european criminals and paedos have got in here?


But I don't see why criminals are not allowed free movement. If say a crime was committed thirty years ago with no offences since they served their time is it right for other nations to block their entry? I think not. Also, not all crimes are the same and have the same underlying reasons behind their occurrence. What crimes do you prevent entry for and what crimes do you do, and when the decision has been made will it be fair? Are they really all scum who would only make the Island a worse place? Of course not.


You also say the problem is spreading over to the Isle of Man but it could be argued that most of the crime is homegrown and has been for a long time.


The system is SUPPOSED to rehabilitate people, so though in practise this does not work very well the answer to that is not to place a ban on people's movements.

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It's quite simple isn't it? When people apply for a work permit the work permit office should get a police criminal records check from the country they are coming from, as part of their employment check. This will keep many of dregs from the UK and the ROW getting the opportunity to settle here, as well as protecting employers from potential thieves and the rest of us from potential violence etc. etc. These costs should be on both the employer and the applicant, and not Joe Taxpayer.


I currently carry out work for a employer, that operates all over the world, which does this as a matter of course for both permanent and contract employees. A standard UK check costs £31 and an enhanced check £36. The National Criminal Register in Poland provides a similar service, as do other organisations in other countries. This amount of money is sod all, when you consider the potential legal costs that become involved when any immigrants start committing crimes upon their arrival.


I'm with you on this Albert. It makes perfect sense to have an enhanced check (thanks for supplying the info).

Nice picture :D

Surely even those with rose tinted spectacles won't object to these checks?

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