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Manx Telecom Take Notice


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blueyonder broadband something like

£49.99 for 4MB boradband,

£39,99 for 2MB,

£2,99 for 1MB

and £19,99 for 512kb


I do think its about time manx telecom did something, upgrade the speeds and decrease the prices. And yes, everyone in my clan is on a faster connection... some people from sweeden on 10MB broadband for the same price as MT 512kb.

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To which I said, "So that's what takes ten working days and costs £70 then? Something that takes you ten minutes?"......)


and he said with a broad smile *yes*

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They use packet filtering of some sort to identify bittorrent traffic, changing ports doesn't phase it. I have gotten round the filtering (and proved it's existance) by using a tunnel, but because of the range of ports bittorrent uses, it's a bit of a faff. Be nice if the bt clients moved to ssl, but I don't see that happening in a hurry.


Have thought about moving isp, but some gamers on a domicilium connection say that their service has sucky pings.

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There are two ways you can look at capping. I think Ariel was meaning that with some ISP's you are only allowed to download 1gb per month for example. Manxnet does not do that which means in that respect it is not capped.


If you mean that peer to peer applications are capped, then this is true. There is a certain amount of bandwith available to those applications.


Just wanted to make sure that people didnt think that MT was limiting the amount of data you can download per month.

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Capping is capping Shill. Either you limit the total amount you can download, or you restrict the speed, which is effectively the same thing over time. You can dress it up any way you like, MT cap, other isp's do not. I've not heard of a single isp that caps bittorrent to the extent manxnet do. I don't even know why its necessary, as the performance was fine before the capping. If people (dev) are taking the pee by leaving stuff seeding 24/7, then cap them not me!


I should look at switching to dom, they did offer some kind of discount scheme for us as we've got our office stuff through them. That's also something MT would also not dream of doing, despite me having a phone line, two pronto lines and adsl with them, I'm paying the same rates as someone with just a single line. My only worry about switching is the inevitable downtime in setting it up.


It's a shame, as MT's service is good for the games and stuff, and http downloads are plenty fast. They just seem to add these niggles to annoy :)

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Slim, I was just pointing out the facts. I didnt want to get into a debate about it.


Other iSP's cap overall data (which ariel was talkign about) you can download in a month. Manxnet cap the speed of which you can download files using peer to peer aplications.

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"So that's what takes ten working days and costs £70 then? Something that takes you ten minutes?"......)


Or perhaps he just did the last part of it? There are a few steps to providing an ADSL connection you know.

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Do you know how much BT charge to move your adsl when you move house? £0


I've bleated about how the charges make no sense before. How about this one, DDI rental costs something like a quid a line or something per qtr, so 20 lines of ddi cost 20 (ish). DDI setup £400.


Four hundred flipping quid! Where on earth is the justification for that? It doesn't matter if you're doing a 10 number block or a 100 number block, it's 400 quid. Talk about screwing the small business..


edit: BT Charge £100 for DDI block setup btw..

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I've never understood why the line cost goes up when you get 1/2mb, the ISP cost makes sense but I don't see why the line cost should go up??


I also dont see why MT don't offer SDSL/SHDSL over eps9 like in Europe (BT even do it in the UK now). Instead they try and shift Megastream lines.

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I would like to see more companies on the island instead this crazy situation, if this was the UK we would have more than one telecom.


I class it a price fixing myself. i might even go to consumer affairs and ask them how do i find out if i have been over charged on my phone bill, wonder what they would say.


About time MT stopped over charging and listened to there customers, i just think if they stuck to the same pricing as BT we would not moan as much.


i remember a few years ago i set up a 24/7 account with BT and was saving money Mad aint it.

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I also dont see why MT don't offer SDSL/SHDSL over eps9 like in Europe (BT even do it in the UK now). Instead they try and shift Megastream lines.

...but MT really seem to have a hair up their backside about EPS9, even though by definition it is the same specification as the stuff that BT and European ISPS use all the time for data.


When other companies started using DSL technologies over EPS9, I was told that MT tried to withdraw the EPS9 service completely. I was also told (although unconfirmed) that it took the communications commission to step in and stop them, stating that they could offer an equivalent technology or keep EPS9, but not pull the service completely.


MT then took to renaming the line to something like "EPS9 Voice Only" presumably to discourage its use for data. I received a letter from them stating this. Much to my surprise, I noticed recent billing that has renamed the line again to "EPS9 Voice and Data" or similar, so I can only guess they must have had their wrists slapped again for that.

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SDSL is a well established technology and they're daft not to embrace it. Obviously there's the lack of SLA, but they're the telecoms firm so surely they can sort that out.


The government should stop the whole branding thing and focus on getting the internet/telecoms infrastructure sorted. In fairness, it works but its by no means the envy of some European countries. Sweden is a prime example, how the hell home users can get 10mb connections is beyond me.

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