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Speed Bumps And Global Warming


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They damage cars and give drivers a nasty jolt, but now speed bumps have been found guilty of an even worse crime — they are helping to destroy the planet.


The traffic-calming measures double the carbon dioxide emissions and fuel consumption by forcing drivers to brake and accelerate repeatedly, according to a study commissioned by the AA. A car that achieves 58.15 miles per gallon travelling at a steady 30mph will deliver only 30.85mpg when going over humps.


The AA employed an independent engineer who used a fuel flow meter to test the consumption of a small and a medium-sized car at Millbrook Proving Ground in Bedfordshire.


The results, calculated by averaging the performances of the two cars, also showed that reducing the speed limit from 30mph to 20mph resulted in 10 per cent higher emissions. This is because car engines are designed to be most efficient at speeds above 30mph.


A motorist who observed the speed limit on one mile of 20mph road during a daily journey would produce an extra tonne of CO2 in a year compared with driving at 30mph on the same stretch.


The London Ambulance Service has claimed that the 30,000 humps on the capital’s roads cause up to 500 deaths a year because its crews suffer delays in reaching victims of cardiac arrest.


Perhaps Stu Peters could ask Mr Hannay for his opinion?

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It would be interesting to see the carbon emitted by the 8 blokes that put the bumps at Ballasalla in, then removed them two weeks later because they upset the locals leaving us with nice square red bits to drive over. Result was, exactly the same as before they arrived. Resultant increase in kerb width should have been done first if somebody had actually known what they were doing.

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The London Ambulance Service has claimed that the 30,000 humps on the capital’s roads cause up to 500 deaths a year because its crews suffer delays in reaching victims of cardiac arrest. [/i]

...and probably caused another 500 cardiac arrests due to the anger and stress they arouse.

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There are three speed bumps level with each other on the road outside the Manor pub in Willaston. I often see drivers choosing to move into the middle of the road to negotiate the middle bump rather than the one which is on their (left) side of the road.

Does any one know why? The bumps all appear to be the same shape and size so there does not appear to be any advantage gained by this strange manouevre.

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There are three speed bumps level with each other on the road outside the Manor pub in Willaston. I often see drivers choosing to move into the middle of the road to negotiate the middle bump rather than the one which is on their (left) side of the road.

Does any one know why? The bumps all appear to be the same shape and size so there does not appear to be any advantage gained by this strange manouevre.

The centre ones are actually narrower. Its possible to straddle them without feeling any 'bump' whatsoever.

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There are three speed bumps level with each other on the road outside the Manor pub in Willaston. I often see drivers choosing to move into the middle of the road to negotiate the middle bump rather than the one which is on their (left) side of the road.

Does any one know why? The bumps all appear to be the same shape and size so there does not appear to be any advantage gained by this strange manouevre.

The centre ones are actually narrower. Its possible to straddle them without feeling any 'bump' whatsoever.


Thanks I'll test that out when next in the vicinity

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