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They're Checking Your Speed...


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IoM Newspapers


Speeds reaching 132mph have been recorded on Brandish Corner since it was realigned say alarmed Onchan Commissioners.

...at the commissioners' meeting this week, rural committee chairman Keith Watterson said according to DoT speed count machines installed after the works, the maximum speed recorded of vehicles travelling northbound was 117mph while southbound that speed reached 132mph.


The commissioners expressed their ongoing concern about such speeds, particularly near the entrance of Ballaskelly Farm, spoke of a potential 'accident waiting to happen' on the reformed road.

After a request from the commissioners, the DoT has now installed another speed count machine which is currently in operation.

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I'm not condoning speeds like that round there but what did they really expect would happen when they made the corner wider, much more open, smoother, and with a much larger radius?!!


Wonder if that was a car or a bike though....

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It was probably the coppers in one of their 'undercover' Focus RS's


They were following me over the mountain a while back and mysteriously dropped back at The Creg only to have caught up by Hillberry.


I wasn't exactly going slowly so they must have hit some speed going round there

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I'd like to see intelligent speed bumps put in place (But not at Brandish). If you're doing the correct speed, then they stay down, but if you're speeding in the zone with which these devices operate you would find the devices would raise up to slow you.... Now that would test the driving ability of the masses, as it would show how stupid most drivers are and highlight their inability to understand what these devices do!!!! :lol:


I love speed and I'm a petrol head at the best of times; but speeding on public roads is a big fat 'No'. I just hate speed bumps and the way these things cause problems for everyone; and not just the brain dead drivers who are dangerous, disrespectful to others and don't have the intellect or ability to drive well enough to understand why they should abide to limits..

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Meh, make the corner 'safer' and then become alarmed when, SHOCK HORROR, people start going round it faster!


What amazes me is some people approach the corner at about 50mph, and then brake down to 40mph to go around it, even in perfect conditions.


Oh well, all sounds like a stealthy way to impose another speed limit to me.


All that said, 132mph is blindingly fast, I'm not convinced a vehicle on two wheels or four could get round the corner at that speed, maybe the measuring thingy is broken.

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in 2009 when the compulsory transponders are fitted (in a way similar to those used on the bikes at TT) for licence and insurance verification and road pricing and congestion charging purposes etc they will then be able to determine who has been travelling over which piece of road and and what speed.

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A way to raise money for Queens pier. Make the speeds recorded available to purchase to the drivers of said vehicles travelling round Brandish. I would love to see what speed I can get out of one of my vespas round there, cos the speedo is shit.

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The figures are pretty much meaningless. It doesn’t state what triggered the speed recording equipment resulting in registering the quoted speeds. It doesn’t state what type of equipment was used to record the speeds, it also doesn’t state where at Brandish the speeds were recorded, before the corner? Half way up the straight?


I suspect the device used was the one commonly seen throughout the Island which comprises of two rubber hoses at a set distance across the road and connected to a recording device. This records the times between the two hoses being driven over and is massively inaccurate and can’t differentiate between a bike travelling at 140mph or a 10 wheel hgv doing 50mph. Plus, you have vehicles travelling in both directions triggering the device simultaneously. You *could* create your own speeds with a mate and a couple of hammers. A couple of timed taps on the hoses and you could register some interesting speeds.


I’ll take a drive up tonight for a look. ( with me hammers)


@ spcock: where did you get this from: in 2009 when the compulsory transponders are fitted

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The figures are pretty much meaningless. It doesn’t state what triggered the speed recording equipment resulting in registering the quoted speeds. It doesn’t state what type of equipment was used to record the speeds, it also doesn’t state where at Brandish the speeds were recorded, before the corner? Half way up the straight?


I suspect the device used was the one commonly seen throughout the Island which comprises of two rubber hoses at a set distance across the road and connected to a recording device. This records the times between the two hoses being driven over and is massively inaccurate and can’t differentiate between a bike travelling at 140mph or a 10 wheel hgv doing 50mph. Plus, you have vehicles travelling in both directions triggering the device simultaneously. You *could* create your own speeds with a mate and a couple of hammers. A couple of timed taps on the hoses and you could register some interesting speeds.


I’ll take a drive up tonight for a look. ( with me hammers)


@ spcock: where did you get this from: in 2009 when the compulsory transponders are fitted


i have to say your wrong there on a few points,

thay can tell what gone over it bike car truck,

thay know which way the vehicles are going,

i seen the read out and all the information that gos with it, quite gd reading to be honest,


but u know i love the plan with the hammers ha ha would love to see the read out for that :lol:

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