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They're Checking Your Speed...


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60 mph thats slow,

now while i stick to most speed limits i would say 60 mph limit as far 2 slow,

i would say out of speed limits i avarage 50-60 mph, and at times a lot faster depends what rd and the conditions, and i havent got a fast car,

but i do it when the road is clear and safe, i dont overtake in bad spots i dont drive without due care and attention,

and in the 10 years of driveing like that how many crashs have i had,!!!!

none what so ever, never really been close to haveing a major crash at speed, i been hit a few times, by stupid ppl that cant drive or see a great bloody car in the middle of the road,

i think there the worst ppl, if thay cant see a car and still hit it then what hope has a kid or anybody for that matter crossing the road,

now yes everybody makes mistakes and crashs do happin and no dowt i prob have one b4 my times out that is my fault cause i wasent looking what i was doing,


the simple fact is, u never hear of the million or so crashs that happin at 20-40mph just that one that happined to kill the driver,yes this is a great loss, but it happins, the same way is the person that dies from being hit by a car in the street at 30 mph, and the same way as it can happin in your sleep,

maybe we limit on sleeping, maybe max of 4 hours at a time, so we can check if we dead yet,


some ppl think we should have a speed limit others dont, and thats what makes us diffrent, and there never be a right answer to this as what ever way it gos there allways be one side that disagrees,


just my pennys worth, :rolleyes:

and if u cant tell i dont want an all island speed limit,


o i may be able to drive, but me grammer and spelling is crap,(maybe i should have listerned harder in school than dream about driveing fast cause of the deeply buried insecurities i have in life) :D

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maybe i should have listerned harder in school


Don't be so hard on yourself - not everyone is capable of inventing a completely unique language all of their own.


hay thanks, and thay said i woulden amount to much that

showed them :D oxfords dictionary here i come :rolleyes:


insluts the lowest form of wit knowen to man,

used by ppl that run out of usefull and intresting things to say :lol:

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how many crashs have i had,!!!!

none what so ever,


i been hit a few times, by stupid ppl that cant drive or see a great bloody car in the middle of the road,


well that's what you get for being in the middle of the road - so much for never having a crash :huh:



i never been in a crash thats been my fault,


i mean the middle of the road as a saying, then again was hit in the middle of the road once, somebody not looking what there doing again overtakeing when somebodys turning, and that was cause of speed on there part, and not looking,

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i never been in a crash thats been my fault,


i mean the middle of the road as a saying, then again was hit in the middle of the road once, somebody not looking what there doing again overtakeing when somebodys turning, and that was cause of speed on there part, and not looking,

You really shouldn't post while you're driving.

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