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Russel Grant Escapes Big Brother And Moves To Ellan Vannin!


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Maybe he should have asked Jeremy Clarkson or Andy Kershaw about their recent experiences in the place they chose as home.


I think Andy Kershaw's recent experiences were all of his own making and not down to the ignorant slack jawed yokels with crab claws.

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The guy is delusional.


This quote:


"And he had glowing praise for the Island after the visit, describing Douglas on his TV Travel club website, www.russellgranttravelclub.com, as having 'undergone a Mediterranean-style transformation that could give Cannes a run for its money'.


I would guess by that he has never really seen Douglas or been to Cannes for that matter.

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I know that Russell Grant has been looking at a new house just up the road from me near Ballaugh Cronk.


I may have to move.


Related anecdote - back in the late 80s when Russell was promoting his diet plan :rolleyes:, a friend of mine was working as a waiter in the Atlantic Tower Hotel in Liverpool. They had a big function where Russell was a guest. On the buffet table they had two big bowls of caviar. At the start of the evening Russell picked one bowl and a spoon and spent the next half hour walking around with the bowl under his arm until he'd eaten the lot. Then he went back to the buffet for more. Which is why his diet was so successful(!)


Is it true he's only coming here for the queenies?

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Telling jokes about homosexuality is not illegal, and not even about to become illegal even under the proposed UK legislation going through at present - which is aimed at tackling hatred and violence toward gays and lesbians etc. Just because a few people make a few wisecracks, doesn't infer rampant homophobia.


I thought the joke's about his sexuality were beyond the pail. I doubt that another Z-list celebrity moving here is newsworthy. In fact it looks like were really scraping the barrel and then advertising the fact that were scraping the barrel. BUT I wouldn't have lowered myself to some of the nudge, nudge, wink, wink jokes about bumsex posted in this thread.


Is anyone going to read the Examiner and say I'm moving to the IOM because Russell Grant says its a great place. I'm guessing not.

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OK, this may seem like a dumb question, but who is Russell Grant? I have done a search - it says he is 'a popular British personality' and talks about his astrology. I don't think I have ever heard of him before. Wikipedia says he gave an astronomcal consultation to the 'Queen Mother' in 1978 - he wrote 'The Dream Dictionary' and he wrote a book about historical counties of England. I'm in my 40's and I don't remember any of this being news. Is there any other reason I should have heard of him? Has he been on one of those reality shows recently or something? I don't follow the UK media very much - but I recognised Andy Kershaw when I saw him. Who is the f*** is Russell Grant?

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FFS, Polish building workers, Phillipino nurses, Thai brides, TV celebrities and now unemployed astrologers


You xenophobic bastards, is there anyone you would actually like to see moving here ?

Linda Lusardi :rolleyes:


Well, the Island does seem to be a popular destination for pensioners, so you might just get your wish in a few years or so.

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