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How Should The South Of The Island Look?


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Why is every decision put to consultation? We should abandon politicians elected on promises they seem unable or unwilling to deliver, and just have civil servants taking ballots on each matter of policy.


Next, it will be Pam Crowe putting out a consultative document, after an initial feasibility study at M&S: 'Does my bum look big in this?'



To which the answer would be, "Yes, of course it does."


Can I have my £100,000 consultancy fee posted to my offshore account in Jersey please?



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Stop closing all the pubs (or poncing them up) down here.

There have been hundreds of new houses built in Port Erin over the last few years but no sign of the increased in population to be seen in the pubs.


They probably can't afford the price of a pint now jim!

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Grumble's Consultative Master Plan - voting mandatory by tax/ratepayers


1. Do you want the Isle of Man to be:


a) A pleasant rural backwater

b) A thriving offshore jurisdiction


Note: Ticking the former means that taxes will go up and you'll moan forever about a lack of leisure facilities. A vote for the latter means low taxes, great public services BUT we'll have to build houses on some green fields (maybe in your own back yard), and allow more people to live here.


2. Suppose we're to hold a general election. Do you want to:


a) Let the MHK's waste millions more on consultations to appease the electorate and inquiries when it all goes wrong

b) Insist that they are selected on the basis of a detailed manifesto and made to stick to it if elected


Note: Answer a) and things will stay as they are. Only tick b) if you're prepared to accept changes made for the good of the island, but that may occasionally upset your own aspirations.


3. The health service has two possible futures:


a) Higher taxes to achieve everything that everybody might ever need

b) Made to give good VFM but within an agreed annual budget


Note: Easy one this. If you're old or infirm, tick a) and be selfish. If you're not, b) makes perfect sense. Unless you contract Scaramouche Disease and find we don't employ someone 24/7 in case someone ever gets it.


I think (most of) our politicians can see the big picture, but face a constant barrage of nonsense from pressure groups and individuals who want everything without paying for it. There's a cost to success and progress, and the sooner we grasp that as a nation and start looking forwards rather than backwards and wishing for the impossible, the better.

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Stop closing all the pubs (or poncing them up) down here.

There have been hundreds of new houses built in Port Erin over the last few years but no sign of the increased in population to be seen in the pubs.


They probably can't afford the price of a pint now jim!



probably the same bloody yuppies who moan about the price of everything, yet are happy to pay for bottled water :rolleyes:

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The one thing I'd like to see as well as other parts of the island, is to have properly run youth clubs, so that it keeps our cloan ny off the streets.


Theme them, put interesting equipment in it and make it a booze free :o (not free booze for those who play on words)

Have equipment and areas for all ages, maybe a bucking bronco for the more active teenagers. Create a link between the youth club, cubs, scouts, cadets and hopefully, you have an area that can be used by not only the South, but for visitors too :cool:


Cost will always be a problem, but I'm sure that the many people who visit the board, can come up with ways to balance the books. Again, it's not my area, but I think it would be great assisting our youth to have fun, than them finding alternative negative and destructive activities.

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The one thing I'd like to see as well as other parts of the island, is to have properly run youth clubs, so that it keeps our cloan ny off the streets.


Theme them, put interesting equipment in it and make it a booze free :o (not free booze for those who play on words)

Have equipment and areas for all ages, maybe a bucking bronco for the more active teenagers. Create a link between the youth club, cubs, scouts, cadets and hopefully, you have an area that can be used by not only the South, but for visitors too :cool:


Cost will always be a problem, but I'm sure that the many people who visit the board, can come up with ways to balance the books. Again, it's not my area, but I think it would be great assisting our youth to have fun, than them finding alternative negative and destructive activities.


The youth clubs in the South are kitted out and run very well. Take a look at Castletown, it has everything a youth club could ever need.

The Nomads are working very hard to get a rugby facility up and running. This is being done at present with no help from the Government. There are tickets being sold for project 'Sport Erin' to raise funds for this.

It seems to me that our political representatives are not spending a great deal of time on this kind of issue. I can't recall any press material that would suggest otherwise.

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The Nomads are working very hard to get a rugby facility up and running. This is being done at present with no help from the Government. There are tickets being sold for project 'Sport Erin' to raise funds for this.

It seems to me that our political representatives are not spending a great deal of time on this kind of issue. I can't recall any press material that would suggest otherwise.

Doesn't the Government devolve that kind of thing to the Sports Council anyway though?

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