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Mhk's...and Their Election Promises

Albert Tatlock

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Have you contacted any of your MHK's? Peter Karen has asked some of what was in mine, just yesterday he asked about whether we should be in or out of europe!


Most MHK's who have got in, use generalisations in their manifiestos so that they are unlikely to have to to be held to do something that they have promised! Anyway there is always next time and if they don't do what they say it is up to the people to do something about it......... ;)


Peter and Adrian have both discussed a few issues when I've bumped into them, but surely the more general point is people shouldn't have to contact their MHKs and ask if they're interested in discussing the issues they raised in their manifestos? I would have liked MHKs in general to be a little proactive.


Out of interest, should we be be in or out of Europe? And is that EU or EEA? :)

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Tony Brown seems to be doing alright on his local issues.


"Provision of adequate housing for the towns needs" Check! Janets Corner redevelopment.

"Employment opportunities" Check! I have an interview with a firm in the town tomorrow evening.

"Securing and enhancing the town business infrastructure" Check! Callows Yard development

"Securing, improving and developing the towns infrastructure" Check! See above.

"Protecting and enhancing Castletowns built heritage and environment" Think this may be the only thing he's missing on the check list!

Well done Tony, good effort!


Can't say jack about his national issues though!



The trick is to watch out for things that are already in the pipeline and likely to happen.

Then you can take the credit for them. eg Janet's Corner was actually in the budget

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Out of interest, should we be be in or out of Europe? And is that EU or EEA? :)

Only sovereign states are eligible to become full Member States of the EU - so have to figure out IoM's constitutional relationship with the UK first. Suggest start with a large supply of bananas. (see p.17).


We could do what Kosovo has done, declaire independence? Aliance with another country like Denmark, go back to our roots - Vikings.


My manifesto suggestion was that we look at the benefits of being fully in versus fully out, due to having european law imposed on us, via the UK, under crown dependencies! Peter has asked the question and the Chief minister answered it quite well, the only other option is independence. There are pro's and cons with that as well..........


Steve, set concerns that you or any other constituant has needs to be taken on board by the elected representative and if necessary questions asked and then a written response back with the answer. I don't think it is down to the MHK to look at other peoples maifesto's as they could be seen as poaching other peoples good ideas and not thinking of their own?! :blink::unsure:

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My manifesto suggestion was that we look at the benefits of being fully in versus fully out, due to having european law imposed on us, via the UK, under crown dependencies! Peter has asked the question and the Chief minister answered it quite well, the only other option is independence. There are pro's and cons with that as well..........

I too think we should give it a very serious look - and get a clear overview of what it means either way. However, it shouldn't be done just on the basis of the finance sector, there are a great many other issues to consider.

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Out of interest, should we be be in or out of Europe? And is that EU or EEA? :)

Only sovereign states are eligible to become full Member States of the EU - so have to figure out IoM's constitutional relationship with the UK first. Suggest start with a large supply of bananas. (see p.17).


We could do what Kosovo has done, declaire independence? Aliance with another country like Denmark, go back to our roots - Vikings.


My manifesto suggestion was that we look at the benefits of being fully in versus fully out, due to having european law imposed on us, via the UK, under crown dependencies! Peter has asked the question and the Chief minister answered it quite well, the only other option is independence. There are pro's and cons with that as well..........


Steve, set concerns that you or any other constituant has needs to be taken on board by the elected representative and if necessary questions asked and then a written response back with the answer. I don't think it is down to the MHK to look at other peoples maifesto's as they could be seen as poaching other peoples good ideas and not thinking of their own?! :blink::unsure:


What would be the pros and cons of independence?

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We could do what Kosovo has done, declaire independence? Aliance with another country like Denmark, go back to our roots - Vikings.


My manifesto suggestion was that we look at the benefits of being fully in versus fully out, due to having european law imposed on us, via the UK, under crown dependencies! Peter has asked the question and the Chief minister answered it quite well, the only other option is independence. There are pro's and cons with that as well..........

To understand what may or may not be an option - and the pros and cons of these -you have to first get to grips with what the current status is. There are only so many possibilities – e.g:


i) that IoM is in a ‘political union’ with England – like Scotland and Wales – but if this were so it would be part of the UK, which it isn’t.


ii) that IoM is in a ‘personal union’ with England – like the electorate of Hanover was at one time, or Scotland before the Act of Union – in which case it would already be an independent sovereign state – which it isn’t.


iii) that IoM is a ‘settled colony’ of the UK – like Australia once was – but that is not the case either.


iv) That IoM is a ‘protectorate of the UK’ – which is a bit of a complex issue, but doesn’t seem to quite fit the bill either.


v) That IoM is under the ‘Administration’ of the UK – i.e. the same kind of relationship that applies to a country that is under military occupation – which does seem to fit quite well – starting from 1765.


For the sake of argument, suppose the latter is the case. If so a declaration of independence makes no more sense than a declaration of independence by Kuwait after the invasion by Iraq, or a declaration of independence by Denmark while it was under German occupation. It is already a sovereign state, but the sovereignty is temporarily suspended during the period of occupation.


There may be other options besides ‘status quo’ and ‘fully out’ independence. One of these would be a return to the kind of relationship with the UK which existed prior to 1765 – i.e. IoM is under the suzerainty of the UK – the UK is responsible for defence, Manx have rights as British subjects, (all in return for payment of a pair of falcons once in a while), with IoM returning to being an independent sovereign state with full autonomy. (something which has more ‘pros’ than fully-out independence).


Another possibility might be ‘free association’ similar to the relationship between the Cook Islands and New Zealand. That might come about following an exercise of the right of self-determination by IoM under the UN Charter – but unaccountably the UK does not seem to recognise there to be any such right of self-determination.


The point here is that in order to consider what options might be available, and the pros and cons of these, one first has to understand what exactly is the nature of the current constitutional relationship which goes under the name of ‘Crown Dependency’. What you can and cannot do depends on where you’re at – and that’s the first thing to figure out, otherwise it’s all pie in the sky.

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We could do what Kosovo has done, declaire independence? Aliance with another country like Denmark, go back to our roots - Vikings.


My manifesto suggestion was that we look at the benefits of being fully in versus fully out, due to having european law imposed on us, via the UK, under crown dependencies! Peter has asked the question and the Chief minister answered it quite well, the only other option is independence. There are pro's and cons with that as well..........

To understand what may or may not be an option - and the pros and cons of these -you have to first get to grips with what the current status is. There are only so many possibilities – e.g:


i) that IoM is in a ‘political union’ with England – like Scotland and Wales – but if this were so it would be part of the UK, which it isn’t.


ii) that IoM is in a ‘personal union’ with England – like the electorate of Hanover was at one time, or Scotland before the Act of Union – in which case it would already be an independent sovereign state – which it isn’t.


iii) that IoM is a ‘settled colony’ of the UK – like Australia once was – but that is not the case either.


iv) That IoM is a ‘protectorate of the UK’ – which is a bit of a complex issue, but doesn’t seem to quite fit the bill either.


v) That IoM is under the ‘Administration’ of the UK – i.e. the same kind of relationship that applies to a country that is under military occupation – which does seem to fit quite well – starting from 1765.


For the sake of argument, suppose the latter is the case. If so a declaration of independence makes no more sense than a declaration of independence by Kuwait after the invasion by Iraq, or a declaration of independence by Denmark while it was under German occupation. It is already a sovereign state, but the sovereignty is temporarily suspended during the period of occupation.


There may be other options besides ‘status quo’ and ‘fully out’ independence. One of these would be a return to the kind of relationship with the UK which existed prior to 1765 – i.e. IoM is under the suzerainty of the UK – the UK is responsible for defence, Manx have rights as British subjects, (all in return for payment of a pair of falcons once in a while), with IoM returning to being an independent sovereign state with full autonomy. (something which has more ‘pros’ than fully-out independence).


Another possibility might be ‘free association’ similar to the relationship between the Cook Islands and New Zealand. That might come about following an exercise of the right of self-determination by IoM under the UN Charter – but unaccountably the UK does not seem to recognise there to be any such right of self-determination.


The point here is that in order to consider what options might be available, and the pros and cons of these, one first has to understand what exactly is the nature of the current constitutional relationship which goes under the name of ‘Crown Dependency’. What you can and cannot do depends on where you’re at – and that’s the first thing to figure out, otherwise it’s all pie in the sky.


Not that I am a supporter of complete independence, just very interested in the impact it will have. But is it really viable? Is the issue simply about preservation of the economy, i.e. relating to the EU and the preservation of the finance sector.


I have read about the Cook Islands before. It is interesting how they are not completely sovereign but have representation in the UN.

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