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Cannabis Bigger Cancer Risk Than Cigarettes: Study


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Cannabis bigger cancer risk than cigarettes


Smoking a joint is equivalent to 20 cigarettes in terms of lung cancer risk, scientists in New Zealand have found, as they warned of an "epidemic" of lung cancers linked to cannabis.


Studies in the past have demonstrated that cannabis can cause cancer, but few have established a strong link between cannabis use and the actual incidence of lung cancer.


In an article published in the European Respiratory Journal, the scientists said cannabis could be expected to harm the airways more than tobacco as its smoke contained twice the level of carcinogens, such as polyaromatic hydrocarbons, compared with tobacco cigarettes.


The method of smoking also increases the risk, since joints are typically smoked without a proper filter and almost to the very tip, which increases the amount of smoke inhaled. The cannabis smoker inhales more deeply and for longer, facilitating the deposition of carcinogens in the airways.


"Cannabis smokers end up with five times more carbon monoxide in their bloodstream (than tobacco smokers)," team leader Richard Beasley, at the Medical Research Institute of New Zealand, said in a telephone interview.



So, if you must insist on enjoying yourself or relaxing in this way, then at least put a filter in it.

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So, if you must insist on enjoying yourself or relaxing in this way, then at least put a filter in it.


I was under the (false?) impression that a proper filter, whilst filtering some of the harmful ingredients, filtered the good stuff too, giving less of a kick to your pain-stakingly constructed joints. Am I totally delushional under this impression (and not just down to me being off my tits alot of the time)?

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I need a grant of a £1 million to investigate what happens when Corncrakes get sucked into combine harvesters, run over by tractors, or stood on by music fans.


Always wanted a go on a combine harvester! May I be part of the research group?

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I wonder if the general public take any heed to these " a report published today" type stories, they all seem sensational and biased and, to be honest, i have read so many now they have no credability or shock effect anymore'.


Anyway, we will all be dead soon of bird flu, a "report published today" tells us.

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So, if you must insist on enjoying yourself or relaxing in this way, then at least put a filter in it.


apparently not...a friend of mine recently had to go to a drug rehab meeting and was given a pamphlet regarding cannabis and it states :


" Don't use a cigarette filter for a roach - you will inhale more tar. Use plain card loosely rolled up for a roach - this lets the smoke flow easily."


quote taken directly from Smoking Cannabis reduce the risks, which is obtainable from IOM drug rehab programmes!!!

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cannabis bigger cancer risk than fags? jesus get out of here? really? I got told that in school nearly ten years ago and i just thought they were bullshitting me. i gues they were right... ten years ago.


could scientists stop stating the obvious and make me my hoverboard and studio apartment on the moon.

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So, if you must insist on enjoying yourself or relaxing in this way, then at least put a filter in it.


apparently not...a friend of mine recently had to go to a drug rehab meeting and was given a pamphlet regarding cannabis and it states :


" Don't use a cigarette filter for a roach - you will inhale more tar. Use plain card loosely rolled up for a roach - this lets the smoke flow easily."


quote taken directly from Smoking Cannabis reduce the risks, which is obtainable from IOM drug rehab programmes!!!


Sweet, so I don't have to throw out all those old rizla packs! Cheers K.os.

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I wonder if the general public take any heed to these " a report published today" type stories, they all seem sensational and biased and, to be honest, i have read so many now they have no credability or shock effect anymore'.


Anyway, we will all be dead soon of bird flu, a "report published today" tells us.

Unfortunately, they do, though generally not in cases such as this. Ususally, it is those that affect children or women that gain the highest levels of hysteria, as was the case with the MMR jab/autism 'link' that was later refuted by numerous studies, but the media ignored them. Also there was all that hype over Herceptin, though it turned out that it was being promoted through a charity by the manufacturer, and rather than the 50% beter survival rate it promised (for breast cancer) it actually offered something like 1%.

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