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A 22 year old man who admitted punching another man and resisting arrest has been given a four month suspended prison sentence by High Bailiff Michael Moyle.


Michael Gregory Ashton of Clagh Vane, Ballasalla, attacked Jamie Lees in Castletown in the early hours of September the 16th, after Mr Lees had confronted him about smashing a bottle on the road.


When police officers arrived Ashton was extremely aggressive and struggled as they tried to arrest him, resulting in incapacity spray having to be used.


In passing sentence, which is suspended for two years, Mr Moyle said he accepted Ashton was genuinely remorseful for his actions, but ordered him to pay £300 compensation to Mr Lees.



What do we expect when we allow :whatever: like MGA to walk. What an unbelievably nasty thing to do. I'm sorry if I'm being cynical, but is the court not sending out the wrong message. MGA isn't sorry, people like this don't feel remorse for anyone but themselves in situations like this. Come on, smacking someone for pointing out your bad social behaviour, (which isn't the wisest thing to do to a lout) then fighting the police when they arrest the A-hole for such an act; we're meant to believe MGA is sorry.

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What surprises me is that he doesn't seem to have been sent for a psych evaluation. If he was that aggressive that an incapacity spray had to be used that is quite serious and indicates some mental derangement - was he just drunk (with some people it triggers something - a kind of chemical imbalance). For his own sake and everyone around, it would be best to have a proper neuropsychiatric evaluation. (e.g. head injury, executive dysfunction etc.). He might be going through major acute personal crisis of some sort - not an excuse, but something to consider - if so, he might be suicide risk, and in any case proper help and support might be needed. He is also male in early 20's which is high risk category for schizophrenia. If he's just a lout or an aggressive yob that's something else again...


I agree with staaue that £300 and a warning by itself is no way to handle this - but for different reasons.

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I suppose there's punching and punching!


He may not have inflicted any injury nor intended to, and resisting arrest may have only been avoiding being handcuffed by moving away?


I'm sure if there had been a serious assault the sentence would have been more severe.


Unfortunately it is difficult to disect the actual circumstances from media articles and it is easy to have people baying for blood by omiting the crucial facts.


I may be wrong but past experience teaches me otherwise!

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I suppose there's punching and punching!


He may not have inflicted any injury nor intended to.



so you punch people in the hope of not hurting them then?? wake up.


ha ha, yes judge you see i was moveing my arms back and forth in the air,

judge: u mean punching

yes sort of like punching but i was trying to cool me hands down as thay were hot,

and then this person just walked in to them,

judge: o well thats ok then case dismissed

judge awards damagers to man who hurt hand, :D:D

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I suppose there's punching and punching!


He may not have inflicted any injury nor intended to, and resisting arrest may have only been avoiding being handcuffed by moving away?


I'm sure if there had been a serious assault the sentence would have been more severe.


Unfortunately it is difficult to disect the actual circumstances from media articles and it is easy to have people baying for blood by omiting the crucial facts.


I may be wrong but past experience teaches me otherwise!


I knew a case were a first offender got prison for receiving stolen goods. He co-operated with the police but still got sentenced which cost him his recently started new job. mitigation, lost job just before xmas and with no money, saw the opportunity to help make the kids xmas better. All for a couple of hundred quid worth of goods that fell of the back of a wagon. (not someones home.)


I also know this individual was happy to accept doing the time because of the crime. But everyone was amazed this person was sent to prison because there was no criminal record previously, had recently started a new job and had a family with a baby on the way. Social report expressed no custodial sentence. but this made no difference to what the courts seen as a crime against the system or what ever. This individual was no seasoned criminal and the stint in prison did more damage than good.


Now I wouldn't like to argue whether this was strictly good or bad judgment on the side of the courts, but I have noticed people getting away with more serious crimes, that could have seen more serious consequences had luck not been on their or the victims side, with little or no repercussions on them.


Of course we can't get the full facts from the media, but all we need to know is what someone did and what punishment he got.... I can't agree that there must have been circumstances that allowed MGA to walk.


Who was it who said 'justice must be seen to be done' this is very true.

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I suppose there's punching and punching!


He may not have inflicted any injury nor intended to.



so you punch people in the hope of not hurting them then?? wake up.


ha ha, yes judge you see i was moveing my arms back and forth in the air,

judge: u mean punching

yes sort of like punching but i was trying to cool me hands down as thay were hot,

and then this person just walked in to them,

judge: o well thats ok then case dismissed

judge awards damagers to man who hurt hand, :D:D



Jamie Lees of Castletown deserves £3000 and a medal for confronting this idiot.

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I suppose there's punching and punching!


He may not have inflicted any injury nor intended to.



so you punch people in the hope of not hurting them then?? wake up.


ha ha, yes judge you see i was moveing my arms back and forth in the air,

judge: u mean punching

yes sort of like punching but i was trying to cool me hands down as thay were hot,

and then this person just walked in to them,

judge: o well thats ok then case dismissed

judge awards damagers to man who hurt hand, :D:D



Jamie Lees of Castletown deserves £3000 and a medal for confronting this idiot.


I don't pretend to know the circumstances at all, but you obviously must do!


All I know is that if Jamie Lees was badly injured in a frenetic attack, the punishment would have been more severe. This may have been a minor affray made into something more serious in the minds of everyone by the media and people who know no better!


If everyone who just let off a little steam ended up in prison, we'd need a bigger one than that new thing up at Jurby and then we'd be wingeing about how much it costs to keep them there!


Obviously if I'm wrong then I'm wrong, but I reckon I may have ended up in prison a few times in the past as I like to vent my anger in a demonstrative way now and again!

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It's probably against human rights law, but I suggest public spankings in the town square. There would be no significant physical harm inflicted (perhaps a red hand print across the buttocks for a few days) and it would avoid the high costs of prison, but nothing would be more demeaning and emasculating as an allegedly grown man than being treated like a naughty child. Naturally, there would have to be an alternative punishment if the offender was a government minister: they're usually willing to pay good money for that kind of treatment, so it wouldn't be much punishment to be getting it for free :lol:


Thinking about those supernanny shows, perhaps Mr Moyle could also dish out time on a public 'naughty step' for less serious offences.

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Quote Max Power "If everyone who just let off a little steam ended up in prison, we'd need a bigger one than that new thing up at Jurby and then we'd be wingeing about how much it costs to keep them there!"


Letting off a little steam by punching someone? - what a crock! There are plenty of ways to let off steam & not resort to that, but if you are welcome to let these stressed yobs give you a smack if you like - I suggest the prom on a Friday or Saturday night, although I cannot help thinking you might change your tune after a couple of sessions of "stress relief"

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