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Come The Glorious Day


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Yeah, yeah I know, another Smoking thread, but there's some good mileage to be had here.


We went to the pub after work on Friday as usual. There were a lot more people in the pub puff, puff, puffing as if their very life depended on it. The burning ends of those ciggies were all long and glowing brighter than ever. There were big draws and huge mouthfuls blown out with few bothering to inhale the filthy stuff into their lungs - just as long as they were seen to be puffing away.


There was one lot, a group of building workers from the UK, chuffed to bit to be in a pub and puffing, savouring every minute of their rediscovered selfish pleasure.


This morning my clothes stank like a smokey bastard thing and the lot has gone in to the washing machine. The shirt and jacket had only been in the wash the day before.


It seems to me that there is a sudden pub smoking frenzy going on.


The dirty, filthy, reeking, selfish, disgusting, nasty bastards. 'Enjoy' it while you can suckers.



Anyway, that's my moderate view on things.

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I didn't know the Island had a date set for a ban on smoking. Will the law be exactly the same as that across the UK?


I can imagine a few people will have a lapse of mind and light up after having a few drinks, is this a good enough excuse?


I don't think it likely, I have never come across anyone lighting-up in a bar or restaurant since the ban, and I have never been tempted to do so even though I would like to. It does stick in your mind that you can't smoke indoors.


I do find it weird going back to the Isle of Man and having a cigarette in a pub or club. It just feel naughty, as if you will get in trouble and after getting used to it you go back to England and get annoyed you can't relax and light up in a bar.

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People seem to have accepted the ban in advance, for the last year or so I have noticed smokers going outside restaurants to light up


As an ex smoker I have no objection to anyone choosing to smoke but as a restaurant worker I been damned by smokers for not allowing smoking and damned by non smokers for allowing it


So the smoking ban absolves me of any blame, brilliant.

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now while im a smoker, and used to be an ex smoker as well, (i know i was weak)

i do have to admit i never did understand what the fuss was about ppl complaing bout there clothes smelling,

i did when i stopped so know what thay mean, and it aint nice,


but what bothers me is, the lack of thought or to be bothered from the pubs as a smokeing area for ppl that smoke to go,


the crosbys done a gd job of haveing a place, and while yes its a new pub and thay have been able to do it cause thay built a new pub,

i cant see many other places doing much about it,

i think in the first couple of months your going to see a large increase in assaults more so in douglas anyway,

with ppl standing out side the doors, just a gut feeling (but it could be wind not sure :huh: )


i would say most night clubs will be once your in no going out for a smoke, anyone know what the human rights a re on this :D:D , there must be some somewhere there is for bloody everything eles,


o i have to admit, its nice to eat in a place that is non smokeing, and im a smoker, but except it in pubs,


from what i hear from ppl who been to uk, thay dont smell of cigs anymore, just dirty beer and bo :huh:

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Enjoy the smoking ban and smell of stale beer and B.O. while you can - I reckon plenty of pubs and clubs will be closed within a year.


I see the smoke-free fascists have been round everywhere already posting notices about it being law you can't smoke anywhere. Not until March 30th, you freaks.


Thin end of the wedge this. Using the justification that Big Brother will ban anything harmful to you or those around you, I reckon booze will be the next. Prepare for big tax increases too - they'll have to recoup the lost revenue from somewhere.


Enjoy your smirking. I'll be smoking - at home with a take-out and some friends, and bollocks to you.

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I don't think the ban will affect drinking in the pubs and clubs. People will just go outside as they do in England, they will just have to accept it, unfortunately. What I really resent is that some clubs charge their clientele when they want to go for a smoke outside.



i would say most night clubs will be once your in no going out for a smoke, anyone know what the human rights a re on this , there must be some somewhere there is for bloody everything eles,


I don't see what it has got to do with human rights but I would think the club owner would realise that there is more money to be had from charging people to re-enter the club.


from what i hear from ppl who been to uk, thay dont smell of cigs anymore, just dirty beer and bo


Yes, your right, rather than the normal smell of cigarette smoke when inside clubs in England your hit by far more by BO and the occasional nasty farts.


I see the smoke-free fascists have been round everywhere already posting notices about it being law you can't smoke anywhere. Not until March 30th, you freaks.


Not that I support a ban but isn't the law going to be the same as that in the UK, isn't it? It is that you cannot smoke in restaurants, pubs, shops, on publixc transport, and in the workplace. It is no more than that is it?

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Thin end of the wedge this. Using the justification that Big Brother will ban anything harmful to you or those around you, I reckon booze will be the next. Prepare for big tax increases too - they'll have to recoup the lost revenue from somewhere.

Christ, not the 'thin wedge' line again. Restaurants, pubs and clubs were pretty much the only non-residential indoor places you could still smoke. I can't think of anywhere else you could. This is not a ban on smoking, it is a ban on doing it around people essentially, so your comments about losing tax income are a bit premature. The harmful effects are well established and it is extremely unpleasant anyway. Alcohol only damages the health of the consumer, rather than those around them. Yes, drunk people can be a serious nuisance, but we already have laws to deal with them in those situations.


but what bothers me is, the lack of thought or to be bothered from the pubs as a smokeing area for ppl that smoke to go

Ironic, as giving landlords time to erect shelters or similar was the main reason for delaying the ban. A lot of clubs in the UK just have a roped off area outside the front of the club for smokers to use, which sort of keeps them seperate from anyone queueing to get in.

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Cars,Vans,wagons ect do more damage than the fag smokers and no one complains about them. Sorry now they do London has or is about to charge £200 perday to enter London on vechicles that omit smoke in a bid to save lives and clean the place up.

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Cars,Vans,wagons ect do more damage than the fag smokers and no one complains about them. Sorry now they do London has or is about to charge £200 perday to enter London on vechicles that omit smoke in a bid to save lives and clean the place up.

By '£200' I presume you mean '£8'? The idea that there is no complaints about vehicle smoke (or 'emissions') is bizarre. Theres the climate change thing at the minute, and in the past there has been the end of leaded petrol and the near-universal use of catalytic convertors.


Also, whilst we unquestionably need vehicles, we don't need smoking at all.

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