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Come The Glorious Day


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London has or is about to charge £200 perday to enter London on vechicles that omit smoke


Actually, they'd be exempt.


Nice one. OK those that pump out a lot of smoke.

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I can't wait, it's going to be ace.


Me and my mates are actually putting off going to the pub until after the ban comes in, we only manage a night out once every few months anyway, and we'll all rather have the next night out in smoke-free heaven.


My missus went out to bingo a couple of weeks ago (apparently it's not just for old grannies these days?) - she was just about over a nasty cough and cold, however, she woke up the next morning with a terrible hacking cough and feeling seriously unwell, something that she attributed directly to the amazingly smoky atmosphere in the place.


Certainly her clothes reeked of smoke, and so did her hair, so she was straight under the shower.


Less than two months to go :D


Also, thin end of the wedge and human rights my arse. Smoking and drinking are fundamentally different in that by having a drink, you're not harming anyone else, and if you get pissed up and do harm someone else, you're breaking the law. Smoking on the other hand, is directly harmful to others, and therefore anyone who smokes is harming those around them just by doing it (and making them smell horrible too), and it's high time this was stopped.


Or maybe we could have a reciprocal agreement? You smoke on the table next to me, and I'll piss in your drink - fair?

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Or maybe we could have a reciprocal agreement? You smoke on the table next to me, and I'll piss in your drink - fair?



That is the best smoking reply I have ever heard lol - I'll join you in the pissing in pints part lol.


May even start it this weekend :lol:


At work we've had a mail about it, no more smoking in the under ground garage. They have to leave the building and go to the "special" area they have, so when its raining and a horrid day I will be looking out of my window and LOL-ing away.

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Yes, indeed. Let's all hail the 'glorious day,' as I'm sure they did in other places:



Irish Times - Monday, November 12, 2007

Rural pubs are going out of business faster than ever, figures from the Revenue Commissioners show. With almost 450 fewer pub licences issued or renewed last year compared with 2005, vintners have called for subsidised rural transport schemes and a relaxation of gambling restrictions to help stem the trend of pub closures.


Western People - Wednesday, May 10, 2006

County Mayo has the third highest number of pub closures in the country over the past two years. With 48 pubs having closed throughout 2004 and 2005, Mayo is behind only Galway with 57 closures and Cork with 74.

The fact that people are now drinking more at home because of the smoking ban and cheaper alcohol prices in off-licences are being blamed on the high number of closures. In Castlebar alone, seven pubs have closed in the recent past and only one has been re-opened.


Sunday Mirror Jan 20, 2008

Britain's pubs are closing at the rate of 67 a month as beer sales slump to a record low. Bars are selling 50 million fewer pints of beer a month than they were a year ago. Alarming new figures show beer sales dropped by almost 10 per cent during December - normally the busiest time of the year. The UK's £6bn-a-year pub industry has been hit by a growing move toward drinking at home with cheap supermarket booze and the smoking ban. In the 1970s, 90 per cent of beer was drunk in pubs, compared with just 58 per cent today.


...but at least you won't have any trouble getting to the bar!

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Yes, indeed. Let's all hail the 'glorious day,' as I'm sure they did in other places:


Many pubs closed as a result of a clamp down in drink driving too, was that a mistake in retrospect? Pubs have been on the decline for years, as the 2nd article says, which is why they're all turning into resteraunts.

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It's not just the smoking ban. There's a shift in culture and what people want. The days when most men would go to the pub on the way home from a days work, or always be in the pub on a Friday night payday are gone. Most of the people I know don't even bother to go to the pub to watch football or something, they'd rather watch it at home with cheap booze and their home cinema setup.


Lots of people are discovering that they can have a good time at home, with friends watching DVDs, TV, playing Xbox or whatever and they don't have to go out and pay through the nose for beer.

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It's not just the smoking ban. There's a shift in culture and what people want. The days when most men would go to the pub on the way home from a days work, or always be in the pub on a Friday night payday are gone. Most of the people I know don't even bother to go to the pub to watch football or something, they'd rather watch it at home with cheap booze and their home cinema setup.


Loads of the pubs have dumped their sports subs anyway cos of the cost from Sky. I'm with you tho, the pub to me is a place to meet before we go somewhere else, or to go for a meal, and I know most of my mates are the same. We really don't just 'go for a drink' any more. Who wants to pay those bloody prices?


Lots of people are discovering that they can have a good time at home, with friends watching DVDs, TV, playing Xbox or whatever and they don't have to go out and pay through the nose for beer.


Or go out for something to eat. Spot on though, this is an acceleration of the decline of pubs, not the cause of their death.

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Of course a major tourist opportunity has been missed here :-


"Come to the Isle of Man, where you can have your drink and smoke in peace!!"

The last place in the British Isles where you can do this etc etc....


After March 30th this will no longer be the case!!

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Bunch of cock.


I think there is still a law on the statute that allows you to shoot a Scotsman on the beach at dawn (or something like that). Why aren't we cashing in on this glorious opportunity?


Being behind the times isn't always worth shouting about.


Bring it on, dirty smoking scumbags.

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The new rules start at the end of March, but can anyone tell me how a Hotel is still allowed to have designated rooms for smokers but Pubs cant. A rule for one and not the other.

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