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I bought the full game having had some dewy-eyed memories of the Dreamcast game.


It's not as good as I remembered it being, although I did take far more drugs back then, which probably helped.

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nope i didn't know that. I'm not much of a gamer but played Rez with Shill years ago and an ex got me a PS2 so whenever i get the urge to turn it on, Rez gets put on.


What other games are there like that good sir?

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Every Extend (or Every Extend Extra, or Every Extend Extra Extreme, depending on what you're playing it on) (no, I am not taking the piss). Simplistic, but ace. Or ace, but simplistic.

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Every Extend (or Every Extend Extra, or Every Extend Extra Extreme, depending on what you're playing it on) (no, I am not taking the piss). Simplistic, but ace. Or ace, but simplistic.


E4 is shite in comparrision. It's a no-game. You move a cursor around, then watch, for ages, while it plays itself. Nothing like the majesty of Rez.


Other games like Rez? Panza Dragoon Orta is probably the closest, the xbox 1 version. Other than that, other abstract shooters are similar, like Geo Wars, Mutant Storm, Space Giraffe, etc.

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