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[BBC News] New data needed on child poverty


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Up to date figures on child poverty in the island are needed, according to the Celtic League.


Source : http://news.bbc.co.uk/go/rss/-/1/hi/world/...man/7227461.stm



Tony Brown's 'Overall Strategic Vision' in plans for 2007-2011


'To protect and promote the well-being of the family and provide for the economic and social inclusion of all the Island's community.'


How is he going to do it?

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Oh, Pleeeze! Child poverty on the Isle of Man, there is none - unless a poor little soul not running the latest mobile phone is the new definition of 'child poverty'.


Do you know what the definition of child poverty is?


It can mean living in a family whose household earnings are below the national average, having a standard of living that is low enough to exclude them from the minimum acceptable way of life for a country. It is completely relative, so in 5 or 10 years it could be possible that a child who doesn't have a phone is living in poverty.


The problem is, we associate poverty with famine ridden african countries or communist countries. It exists on the island as there are plenty of children who receive free school meals and if being unable to provide 3 meals a day for a child isn't a measure of poverty, I don't know what is.

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'unable to provide 3 meals a day for a child isn't a measure of poverty' - unable, unwilling or can't be bothered! There is no poverty on the Isle of Man - some more 'disadvantaged' than others perhaps but leave your social science definitions in your text book.

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Utah 01 - There is a lot of child poverty - what are you basing your assumption on? Think about it - if you are a full-time carer or on minimum wage and have children it is very difficult to make ends meet, particularly if you have a mortgage or live in privately rented accomodation. The fact that most people here are too proud to make a fuss does not mean there are no children living in poverty.

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'unable to provide 3 meals a day for a child isn't a measure of poverty' - unable, unwilling or can't be bothered!


If the parent is unable, then being unable to provide is not the parent's fault.


Even if the parent is unwilling or can't be bothered, it is not the child's fault.


The society / state is ultimately responsible for children - if anyone should be blamed for being unwilling or can't be bothered to provide...


Not having proper nutrition in childhood effects mental development - i.e. lower intelligence and higher behavioural disorders - and so they may be more likely to become a drain on the system (if you want to view in harsh terms). Other measures of poverty are things like not having proper fitting shoes, not having waterproof shoes, or warm waterproof coat, living in cramped squalid unhealthy conditions etc. (which apart from anything adds to cost of health care, long term health problems etc.). Personally I don't think there needs to be such economic justification - but I put it for those who may not have any sense of compassion for children in genuinely impoverished circumstances.


To me it makes sense to do a study to get proper figures on this - what can be the harm in that? Maybe it will find that there is no problem as Utah 01 claims. Maybe it will highlight a problem that perhaps some don't think exists.


I would not have thought that there would be an issue with child poverty in the UK given the economic boom and a long standing Labour Government - but.. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/business/4123676.stm

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