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I keep re-writing this post as I don't know how far I can go with it so to play it safe, I'm saying as little as possible.


I don't fully understand it but have met many masons over the last 4 years. I've have quite an in-depth conversation with a very high ranking mason from England and that answered a lot of my questions. I've done a bit of research on it too but as with all things on the internet, you never know quite what to believe.


I've never been asked to join but I am led to believe you can approach them if you so wish.


I'm not one for this type of thing really so I doubt I'll ever join. My dad was approached more than once when we lived across but he always declined. I've known others to be approached who also declined. I've got a friend in the masons across but he's never talked about it to me.


It's certainly less of a secret these days, we all know they exist, their halls are clearly marked from the roadside so you know where they go and it's not exactly difficult to see who belongs to them as you can see them all going in on lodge night each week.


From what I've been told, it's not a bad thing to be involved in but as I'm not in full possession of the facts, I can't exactly claim it to be a wonderful experience either. I guess, like all things in life, there are those that will find it fulfilling and those that will have no interest in it at all.

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Dave the Cardboard box wrote

Masons are wonderful chaps.


Years ago I wrote a few sketches/songs which took a humorous slant on the need to have goats for company


Ah yes, goats and party games eh.

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What on earth aren't you quite grasping here?

Oh, I'm sorry Addie I now realise that as you have added the word "Fact" to the end of each statement, it must of course be exactly that.


It may well be the case that they had such facilities. But as with the majority of our postings on here, we cannot prove them to one another. So, therfore, the accuracy of anyones postings are subject to each members opinions.


And that Addie, is a Fact!

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If he was a Mason, why couldn't he have the room?

I'm sorry happy Camper, I missed your post.

Your question was my question at the time and I do not have the answer.


Suffice it to say that this extremely proud and dignified man died at a great age in distressing public circumstances while the room remained empty. Hence my deep anger.

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I am not a Mason and have no idea what goes on in their secret meetings. I do know a lot of Masons and they are all keen to promote the charitable work that the Lodges do, but if that's all it is, why the big secret?


Umm something to do with a goat maybe.

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I think they're an alright bunch on the most part. Obviously there are some complete loons who are Masons too - but you get that in all walks of life. Just a big boys club IMO, let them play in peace.


BTW I am slightly biased, me paaa n all me gren feathers were/are Masons. There are no shinanigans....cept for the thing with the goat.....

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I have no interest in the Masons, although I've got many fond memories of underage drinking at the Masonic Hall in Ramsey. So I'd like to thank them for that.


A couple of years ago, I got inside the theatrical "Temple" at the Masonic Hall in Douglas. I had to go there through work. I'm not sure if they thought I was a man but they were very nice and didn't have a problem showing me round. I was so impressed that noone passed me a bucket and mop or asked me to make the brews.

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