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Cd Covers From A Parallel Univers


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A harmless piece of midweek whimsey. Using random chance, generate an album cover. Use the following ingredients:


Wikipedia's Random Page:The article name is the name of your band;

Random Quotations Page:The last four words of the last quote are the name of the album;

Flickr's Interesting Picture Page:The third picture is your album cover image.


Here's some of me and me buddies efforts:





Try it, it's fun!


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The six letter quote would have been "A thousand miles from the cornfield"


Edit to add - I cheated a bit by making "corn field" into one word, the full quote was -


“Farming looks mighty easy when your plow is a pencil and you're a thousand miles from the corn field.”


Dwight David Eisenhower (American 34th President (1953-61).

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The worrying thing is they all could be albums!


Yes, it's quite uncanny, they could be real album covers.


Anyone fancy starting a band with one of the above name has a ready made first album cover :D


I don't think mine would take off, can't do it properly because I'm at work but my band would be called "B-cell prolymphocytic leukemia"


Cheery name! :lol:

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