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[BBC News] Cash plans 'would protect island'


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I used to laugh at the anti money laundering seminars the bank used to send me on. It was always beyond me as to how I could be put in prison for 8 years just for not noticing someone was laundering money. When you work with huge amounts of money all the time and you have accounts where the 'poor ones' have less than £10million, when do you decide todays payment of £50K is a bad un? The figure here is £7500 - wtf? chicken feed.


There are a lot of people making a lot of money from dirty cash - within a generation or two they will become highly respected high society families. For an example of the kind of thing I mean, Barclays bank made a pile out of the slave trade - the Barclay brothers are so fancy they have their own island - no shame about where their monetary riches came from. There are hundreds of them about, all further conclusion that it pays to be bad & if you get rich enough you can pay good lawyers to get you right off the hook when/if you get caught. Drug money, arms money, people traffic money - its all a bit wrong but still its money and you dont get much better than loads of money do you? ha...

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but you can get currency exchange no problem with cash, try to pay with any other method and it's crazy


(just take sterling and get your euros in the UK - sorted !)



anyone know if older issue dollar bills (1997-ish) are still accepted in the USA ? or is it like white fivers here ?

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What kind of reporting is this?


The article starts by saying that "the government believes" these measures should be introduced.


Next it goes on to give some of the pros to this which "officials say"


Then it turns out this is given in a "consultation document".


If it is what it appears to be, then what 'the government believes' is what the consultation document says.


Aha - maybe this is evidence of a new efficiency measure to cut out wasteful and non-productive red-tape in the process Quintin Gill referred to as 'rubberstampting'. http://www.manxforums.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=22448


(then again it's probably just poor reporting or a bad attempt to spice up the story a bit).

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Then it turns out this is given in a "consultation document".


Its pretty normal for a consultation document to be issued before we bring a law in - particularly an EU Directive which we choose to either ignore or pass (unlike the UK). If anyone has a strong objection then its their chance to say so. It usually makes bugger all difference to this sort of stuff but at least they asked.

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Interestingly I have witnessed more than 15k€ of brand new furniture come off one of the removal lorries. Apparently it is a common way to get money out of SA. The furniture is cheap out there and it pays for itself getting imported to here. How am I expected to check how much new furniture is actually worth?

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To my mind all that will do is clog up the system that is supposed to be looking for teh real money launderers.....anyone who thinks that the modern money launder rocks up with a suitcase of cash is in cloud fucking cuckoo land....

I suspect that you could almost gurantee that someone turning up with loads of cash will not be a money launderer, just some deluded fool who thinks that is how you operate in the offshore world.

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