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Part of an integrated transport policy? Is Charles Flynn serious?



Is he fuck


Like your going to get out of your warm comfortable car to complete the rest of your journey to work on a cold uncomfortable museum exhibit which will take longer to get to town than you took to drive from Ramsey


People will stop using cars when they cost as much as a house to buy, petrol costs 30 quid a gallon and theres nowhere to park


Given that cars will only get cheaper, oil is only half way through its exploitation and 25% of Douglas is given over to car use

Trams, trains etc will only be used for recreation


Buses are for poor people and pensioners

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Quote from the Chairman of Douglas Town Council in 2004:


"In last year’s budget I called for a full review of the Horse Tram Service. The review concluded that the Trams represented a worthwhile contribution to the history and heritage of Douglas and should continue to do so. Efforts will continue to be taken to control costs but like most heritage undertakings their value cannot solely be measured on sound economic grounds. In addition the Horse Trams are an asset to Douglas as part of the identity of the Island and a major contribution by the Council to the Tourist industry."


Is this still true?

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"Last week, council leader David Christian dismissed the idea, saying the council had been running the trams for years without “experts crawling out the woodwork”."


That made me laugh my arse off...and reminded me of that old saying - 'one years experience that's 20 years old'. Er! So why is it losing so much money then Dave?



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Part of an integrated transport policy? Is Charles Flynn serious?


Quite obviously.


Personally and whilst I am not one of these people that gets upset at the sight of horses pulling the Trams, I think that with the traffic like it is now and with them making such a monstrous loss every year, we should in fact retire them into the history books.


What we save on the horses can then get pumped into the other loss makers in Douglas as it certainly wouldn't come of the rates.

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Suggestion that I think makes most sense is that the horse trams should be relocated to a single track on the walkway - that way we still have the picture postcard and heritage benefits, but the nags don't leave exhaust deposits all over the road or clog the traffic.


Thought it funny that they've baaa..baaaa...banned smoking on them.

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oil is only half way through its exploitation





Why Har? I've read articles that say we have only just hit peak oil in the last couple of years. Obviously with population growth and more demand the remaining supplies might not last as long as the first half.


"In a speech to mark the bicentenary of the Geological Society, “Peak Oil – a metaphor for anxiety”, BP’s Michael Daly predicted that we would be debating when the oil might run out in 100 years’ time. Long before then, thanks to high prices, alternative energy sources, climate concerns and technological advances, we will have probably passed the peak – but for oil demand rather than supply."


Its all a bit debatable really. Some saying the Hubbert peak theory is bollocks and some not. Who knows...

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Suggestion that I think makes most sense is that the horse trams should be relocated to a single track on the walkway - that way we still have the picture postcard and heritage benefits, but the nags don't leave exhaust deposits all over the road or clog the traffic.


Thought it funny that they've baaa..baaaa...banned smoking on them.


re Walkway - An excellent suggestion. Even when the whole walkway was dug up for IRIS 5-10 years ago this was thought of but never carried. Perhaps yiou could press the right buttons Stu and get this proposal considered (Gov may need to take over trams first though)


re Smoking. When you are sitting on the horse tram on a nice calm sunny day, the drivers Senior Service exhalation would often plume all over his passengers. Not nice. Quite disgusting en facte.

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Why Har? I've read articles that say we have only just hit peak oil in the last couple of years. Obviously with population growth and more demand the remaining supplies might not last as long as the first half.


"In a speech to mark the bicentenary of the Geological Society, “Peak Oil – a metaphor for anxiety”, BP’s Michael Daly predicted that we would be debating when the oil might run out in 100 years’ time. Long before then, thanks to high prices, alternative energy sources, climate concerns and technological advances, we will have probably passed the peak – but for oil demand rather than supply."


Its all a bit debatable really. Some saying the Hubbert peak theory is bollocks and some not. Who knows...

Whilst there is much debate and peak oil has only occured in the last years or so, drop off of supply from peaked sources tends to be rather steep, as a exploitation capacity does not shrink. Furthermore, the easiest places to exploit have already been so, meaning that not only will increased demand/dwindling supply force up prices, but extra extraction costs factor in as well.


That said, the Island, given its small size, is perfectly suited to electric and hybrid cars, so it's hard to see car travel dying out ever.

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