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More Awards To Ourselves


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Manx Radio



I find all this "Oscar style" accolading hard to stomach at times, and rather embarrassing.


Whereas I cannot deny any of the nominees or indeed non-nominees anything but the utmost admiration for their achievements, isn't the Isle of Man establishment just a little too fond of awarding themselves awards?



Ah well, perhaps I should crawl back into my hovel and strive for 'most bitter and twisted manxforum poster' nomination for nest year.

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Ah well, perhaps I should crawl back into my hovel and strive for 'most bitter and twisted manxforum poster' nomination for nest year.


There are many who deserve that award more than you do you wretched punk :angry: !!!

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Awards are for children. Grown ups should be 'over' this kind of reward/award/self praise nonsense, clearly not all are. Its like that Best Business Guide (the one you have to pay to go in - even if you have been voted for) and those other retarded awards for "Best New Business Person", "Best Old Business person", "Best HR manager" that the same bunch of scoudrels are nominated for year in, year out - give yourselves a pat on the back coz you are the only people who think you are great.

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Lets be fair here, some off those selected are compeating at world level in there sport and in the case of David Knight winning. You cant pay for that now can you?


The one thing that does piss me off is the governing bodys in trades IE CORGI/ OFTEC in the plunbing trade, the tradesman has to pay out shit loads to register with these when trained and every month you get sent a news sheet with these suit types on a free dinner getting there picture taken with "installer of the north west" bollocks.

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Lets be fair here, some off those selected are compeating at world level in there sport and in the case of David Knight winning. You cant pay for that now can you?


No. However, they do get nice award ceremonies when they win do they not?

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Lets be fair here, some off those selected are compeating at world level in there sport and in the case of David Knight winning. You cant pay for that now can you?


No. However, they do get nice award ceremonies when they win do they not?


I was just about to say, they've already received awards for their accomplishments, so flinging another gong their way seems a bit redundant.

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Hi fink theyres to much awardizing goen orn an I ever wins nuffink so a wards shud be BANNED.


Theyres peple out here what carnt even spel wot wiv dislexya an stuff so Gov shud spend tax on UZ.


Funny - when I was younger, dyslexia was a specific condition - now anyone who can't be bothered to spell or punctuate properly claims to be a sufferer.


I have sympathy with real dyslexics, but laziness (the computer you're posting from has a spell checker FFS and the rules of grammar are fairly simple) is most irritating - especially from bitter and twisted know-alls who live to jibe at achievers in every field. The standards displayed on most forums and many emails these days (not just here) are appalling.

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especially from bitter and twisted know-alls who live to jibe at achievers in every field.


Who was having a jibe at them? Surely any criticism was directed largely at event organizers and award ceremonies in general.


A jibe at them would have been more along the lines of: Sport billies all smell and deserve little more admiration than is given circus strongmen, or people who are double jointed.

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Now that's what this thread is supposed to be about! Crack on.


All snowboarders should be sealed in concrete and buried deep in the ground so that future generations can dig them up and see how desperate for entertainment people had become by the 90's.

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For the avoidance of doubt I would like to re-iterate:


Whereas I cannot deny any of the nominees or indeed non-nominees anything but the utmost admiration for their achievements, isn't the Isle of Man establishment just a little too fond of awarding themselves awards?


There is often an excuse for illiteracy and bad spelling but there is rarely an excuse for not reading a topic properly before responding.

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