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Shock News: Music Can't Change The World...


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Music is an accompaniment of social change - sometimes it leads, often it follows (the Beatles wrote Revolution and the Stones Street Fighting Man after the Paris uprisings etc), but the power of a small group of people to put the aspirations of thousands into lyrics, harmony, a base beat, and a lead guitar shouldn't be underestimated. The aspirations may have come from someone else, but crystalizing it into a sound - well the Beech Boys, the Beatles, The Sex Pistols - who else? - they knew how to do it. I do think they changed the world.

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Well I heard mister Young sing about her

Well, I heard ole Neil put her down

Well, I hope Neil Young will remember

A Southern man don't need him around anyhow


In 1973 even Lynyrd Skynyrd knew he couldn't change anything through song .....

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well the Beech Boys, the Beatles, The Sex Pistols - who else? - they knew how to do it. I do think they changed the world.


I think these examples prove how unimportant music is in the overall scheme of things. The younger generation latch on sheeplike to a scene that mildly annoys the older generations, a scene almost always driven by the corporate pound. It might start small but quickly becomes the norm countrywide, generating large income and maintaining the existing state of the world.

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