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[BBC News] World's smallest car on display


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(I have to admit though, I'd be tempted to go for the Peel Trident - tough choice, but Daytona Red for sure).


Yeah. The Trident was cooler than the P50


Red Trident

COOL! I hadn't seen that site. :)


I like the trident logo and the goldfish bowl top - looks like something from Stingray!


I wonder who holds the copyright to the names? The name "Peel Trident" is pretty cool and the design is retro-cool - you could re-work it into a Smart-style city car easily. An Asian small car manufacturer could buy the heritage and do a real funky 21st century street car using the heritage of the original.


If you look at the way the rights to use the names of Bugatti, AC or Jensen etc have been sold on to new manufacturers in recent years it would be worth a punt.


I agree the Trident is beyond cool.

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The reasons cars of these size are not sold in huge numbers in Japan -

1) You can cycle quicker.

2) They have an incredible, extensive and reliable public transport network.

3) Japan is very mountainous. Many suburban roads have very steep gradients.

4) There would still be the need to own a parking space - which is expensive in the cities.

5) Public parking is expensive and limited.

6) There is no way a 50cc car would be allowed on expressways - the only practical way to get across a major city.

7) I assume the engines are 2-stroke - and so would struggle to pass modern Japanese emissions testing.


However, I bet there would be a market for a small number of these - the Japanese love novelty.


Are there any cars of this size actually available? There are lots of motor trikes that one sees, but without good enclosures. There are some very nice small cars, but nothing in this category.


6. 50cc car probably wouldn't be allowed on expressways. Motorbikes are allowed if over 250cc and without passenger, so I think it would be unlikely P50 or Trident would get approval. Expressways aren't everything, there are alternative routes, albeit slower. Expressways are expensive and a lot of people do not use the expressways. I'm no engineer, but maybe (??) a 250cc might be installed as an alternative? I don't know maybe the 250cc reg is only for two-wheel vehicles??


7. I'd think a newer engine would be called for - with low-zero emissions.


5. Public parking is expensive and limited - but is driven by space. If 3 P50's fit in normal space... If eco friendly etc. these could be incentivised - as are sub-600cc cars. Maybe 250cc and 50cc might even become new categories - and only these are allowed to park in certain areas.


4. There is still a need to own parking space - yes. Some spaces are small - even for the 600cc cars. This might find a niche there ( :) ). That is the case with many houses, - but with apartment blocks, parking is generally particularly limited, but P50 might work out ok.


3. Japan is mountainous, but there are lots of roads which do not have steep gradients. Many are flat in the coastal regions which have main population centres. I've driven through mountainous regions and did not find gradients to be very steep at all (in a small car carrying load). I really only know Tokyo, Nagoya, Gifu, Kyoto, Osaka, and the Five Lakes Region of Sea of Japan. A few places in Tokyo are steep and hilly, but not many. This IS a consideration - however perhaps a new engine with performance spec might address this.


1. Cycling may be quicker for some, and this is great. However this is not always an option. e.g. some businessmen and travelling salesmen, some elderly etc. Climate control is a big bonus in my view. Carrying shopping is another. Distance also - e.g. a 6km round trip to visit someone. Also for daily commute (see all those cars with 1 person and briefcase), this could be ideal.


2. Public transport is great - a worry perhaps it would take people from that to vehicles. I like this as a 'last mile' solution - ie the kind of thing mentioned with London - from house to station. etc. Still as a commercial venture that is not an issue other than as competing alternative. I think this offers a nice alternative for those short-mid range hops which are not well served by public transport - or which allow one easier access to public transport.


I still think there could be a healthy market for these in Japan, which seems the most suitable and where might gain acceptance most readily - especially if became a 'chic' item. There also appears to be a general trend to downsizing cars as well. (I don't know other places so well - potentially Bangkok, Manilla...?). I think the engineering would have to be revisited, and many of the issues - e.g. gradients - looked at. BTW on standard urban roads in Japan speed limit if I remember is 40kph. I could see businessmen such as sales reps, students, and grannies going for these. Contracts with govt depts and companies as company cars might be another thought... (e.g. parking wardens) It would also make a great low cost rental car... It does slightly depend on safety and performance characteristics though...


What I do think is an issue to do with sales is the 'standardisation' of the vehicle. e.g. service and repairs. A small Toyota or Honda can be easily serviced. A specialist niche vehicle is a specialist vehicle and would have to overcome that. P50 and Trident with common parts makes sense. Licensing co-venture with a major manufacturer - Suzuki, Toyota? makes even better sense. After sales service is a very important sales point. Also of course insurance costs etc. Cost is a big one - if feasible that could be sold for abt $5000 US (??), that could be very attractive.


(There are some other nice vehicles but expensive - e.g. those produced by ZAP - which could be an interesting partner for retro version of the Trident - see http://www.zapworld.com/electric-vehicles).


I think hboy has the right idea about this - licensing and co-dev with a manufacturer and make this chic street car item. Trident and P50 together make sense - with common parts etc.

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