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[BBC News] Parkland dog dirt rules changed


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Why not just ban dogs from this site and others? Far easier to police than the current proposition and if properly policed will make these places far more pleasant for decent non dog owning people to visit, particularly those with small children who, as a result of the need to take far more footsteps to cover the equivalent distance as an older and larger person are far more likely to have a physical encounter with dog's excrement. The only reason not to ban them is to pander to the whims and insecurities of the dog owning type. You never know, they may come to welcome a ban themselves if it helps break the inconvenient and peculiar bond between them and their charges. Lol,lol..... ; )

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I never even knew that area existed! Somewhere new to have a stroll and a nosey - ace!


I can't see that this will do a thing though given that people never get done for dog poo related crimes anyway.

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Surely there must have been rules made in the first place? Is anyone actually going to enforce these rules?

It would be much simpler to ban dogs from all public places? These ignorant dog walker types think they have a right to let their animals shit all over the place and think this is OK! Not to mention the possibilty of dogs carrying diseases and attacking innocent people.

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yeah yeah ban dogs from everywhere? Dog owners are tax payers too you know & we don't all let our dogs shit everywhere and not pick it up.


If you see people not picking it up just mention it to them, that's what I do & they tend to be embarassed enough to do it in my experience.

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Surely there must have been rules made in the first place? Is anyone actually going to enforce these rules?

It would be much simpler to ban dogs from all public places? These ignorant dog walker types think they have a right to let their animals shit all over the place and think this is OK! Not to mention the possibilty of dogs carrying diseases and attacking innocent people.


Oh FFS :rolleyes: Nice trolling.

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I can't see that this will do a thing though given that people never get done for dog poo related crimes anyway.



you don't read about fines for pooping offences in the paper ( so you assume it doesn't happen ) because the fixed penalty that is issued is INSTEAD of a prosecution! so you don't go through the courts and you don't get a prosecution on your record. just the same as a long list of people with parking fines is not to be found in the papers every week,it is a similar system there too. the only time a pooping offence would go to court ( and the papers ) is if someone didn't pay the fine or contested the charge and was subsequently prosecuted for the offence through the courts . it would be handy if the fines were published cos then people would know it happens and perhaps clean up after the dog as a matter of course making these parks and footpaths pleasant to walk upon for all.

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Dog fouling is easy to try and remedy.


All you need is to go back to the days of compulsory dog licensences and when they are licensed to microchip and DNA test. Microchiping of many animals is standard these days.


I presume you can extract DNA from the fouling and if you can a quick test and hit the owners with a fine. Once owners are aware that they can be quickly and easily identified from what has been left behind even if nobody spots it at the time then even those who do not do so presently will quickly fall into line.


yeah yeah ban dogs from everywhere? Dog owners are tax payers too you know & we don't all let our dogs shit everywhere and not pick it up.


If you see people not picking it up just mention it to them, that's what I do & they tend to be embarassed enough to do it in my experience.

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These ignorant dog walker types


:o Oi. I resemble that.


You're evidently just trying to stir, good job though.


I was down Port Soderick Glen at the weekend, my dog and it's ignorant walker, and it seems the DAFF have been wandering round with a can of yellow spray paint, colouring in all the wee brown presents left for them. It never fails to disgust me that given the abundance of dog bins, people can still manage to leave their dog's doings lying around.


In saying that, just after TT last year I was in the same spot- the meadow area was COVERED in rubbish- i mean not a square inch was left clean- old tents, booze bottles, remnants of fires.... What I'm getting at is that it's not DOG WALKER types it's antisocial and careless types who have no qualms about ruining these places for everyone else because they can't get off their backside and clear up after themselves...

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yeah yeah ban dogs from everywhere? Dog owners are tax payers too you know & we don't all let our dogs shit everywhere and not pick it up.


If you see people not picking it up just mention it to them, that's what I do & they tend to be embarassed enough to do it in my experience.


Did that yesterday and the reply I got was "F*ck Off, pick it up yerself" you interfering B*stard. So all dog owners are not responsible.

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