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[BBC News] Parkland dog dirt rules changed


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These ignorant dog walker types


:o Oi. I resemble that.


You're evidently just trying to stir, good job though.


I was down Port Soderick Glen at the weekend, my dog and it's ignorant walker, and it seems the DAFF have been wandering round with a can of yellow spray paint, colouring in all the wee brown presents left for them. It never fails to disgust me that given the abundance of dog bins, people can still manage to leave their dog's doings lying around.


In saying that, just after TT last year I was in the same spot- the meadow area was COVERED in rubbish- i mean not a square inch was left clean- old tents, booze bottles, remnants of fires.... What I'm getting at is that it's not DOG WALKER types it's antisocial and careless types who have no qualms about ruining these places for everyone else because they can't get off their backside and clear up after themselves...

I spotted the same painted poos there at the weekend (were you the really ignorant dogwalker, or just the gently bewildered one?). I couldn't figure out if there was a reason for it other than to mark them (disinfectant?). I always pick up, regardless of where I am and what rules may apply, and am amazed at the amount that is left in very many of the favoured spots. Having said that, I had to leave a particularly 'intangible' effort on the Marine Drive today.

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I always pick up, regardless of where I am and what rules may apply, and am amazed at the amount that is left in very many of the favoured spots. Having said that, I had to leave a particularly 'intangible' effort on the Marine Drive today.


Your futile efforts prove that you should just keep the dirty dogs on your own property.

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so bascially we should ban all dogs from going outside yer right !!! just shows how so many people are grumpy old bastards on here.


I am a dog lover and a cat hater does that mean i am able to kill any cat that decides to walk across my garden dig a little hole and crap in it .



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I always pick up, regardless of where I am and what rules may apply, and am amazed at the amount that is left in very many of the favoured spots. Having said that, I had to leave a particularly 'intangible' effort on the Marine Drive today.


Your futile efforts prove that you should just keep the dirty dogs on your own property.

You're getting predictable now KB.

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I always pick up, regardless of where I am and what rules may apply, and am amazed at the amount that is left in very many of the favoured spots. Having said that, I had to leave a particularly 'intangible' effort on the Marine Drive today.


Not having owned a dog for 20+ years now I admire today's owners who pick up poo regardless of where or when. I wish the same could happen with cats who cr*p in my garden. I spend too much of my life shovelling the stuff out of my flower beds and now because I left it to see what happens if I didn't shift it, they are now cr*pping in my tubs!


Wish there was a law to make cat owners responsible for all the sh*t they deposit everywhere at a much higher risk to health as not everyone wears gloves to garden. There's nothing worse than uncovering day old cat poo!.

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