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Tony Blair For Eu President


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Who would Tone's master be? ---the banks who are paying him vast amounts for eff all?, the labour movement he profeses to love so much ? the catholic church that he recently converted to? his old master Bush? god forbid it be the people of the EU cos they wont even get a voice in it :(

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Oh Mollag, thats sad but true, I'm sure his only reason for joining the Catholic church was to pimp himself ready for El Presidentes job. :( I think politicians have gone feral. It is all so wrong - money power control celebrity - what is wrong with people?

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Seems the media is preparing us for the EU's first president to be Tony Blair! Can you imagine him as the George Washington of Europe?


Not really he's a shit of the highest order. An arrogant, smirking, tosspot of a man with blood on his hands and very few redeeming qualities as a human being.


... oh ... I see where your going with this.

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