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Call 0800-i-know-a-terrorist


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Call for help in terror fight


ANTI-TERROR police are urging people to store a new hotline number in their phones - as it could save lives.


The Save It campaign will be launched with an advert to be shown on the big TV screen on the approach to Piccadilly railway station.


The advert features a young woman who is making a cup of tea when she is drawn to the window where she sees something suspicious.


Luckily she has the 0800 789321 hotline number and is able to report what she has seen to police.....


......."The anti-terrorism hotline is confidential. It is there in case you see anything unusual.


"If you suspect it, report it."


Nice idea - nothing beats watching the neighbour's door being run down by a SWAT team - That'll teach the bastard for nicking my milk!

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The UK definition of Terrorism


Fascinating: they don't say illegal use or threat of violence:


(1) In this Act “terrorism” means the use or threat of action where—

(a) the action falls within subsection (2),

(b) the use or threat is designed to influence the government or to intimidate the public or a section of the public, and

© the use or threat is made for the purpose of advancing a political, religious or ideological cause.

(2) Action falls within this subsection if it—

(a) involves serious violence against a person,

(b) involves serious damage to property,

© endangers a person’s life, other than that of the person committing the action,

(d) creates a serious risk to the health or safety of the public or a section of the public, or

(e) is designed seriously to interfere with or seriously to disrupt an electronic system.

(3) The use or threat of action falling within subsection (2) which involves the use of firearms or explosives is terrorism whether or not subsection (1)(b) is satisfied.


That makes any use of military force an act of terrorism - isn't the law an arse.


As ever the US lawyers were better at it!


U.S. Code of Federal Regulations: "...the unlawful use of force and violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives"


Noam Chomsky makes a big deal out of the fact that Governments use violence or the threat of violence for political objectives all the time.


It is an interesting point - this legislation turns all acts of legitimate resitance into terrorism - terrorists or freedom fighters - always been a troublesome issue, but 911 has given states an excuse to extend their monopoly of violence - fine if you live in a democracy; not so fine in a totalitarian state!

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