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[BBC News] Marketing advice for horse trams


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Is this our own Politician?


Yep, 'tis me. I absolutely love the horse trams and would hate to see anything happen to them, so if I'm going to see whether I can do anything to prevent their demise.


As for Island 21's marketing credentials, it doesn't have any - it's the island sustainability forum. But I have been an advertising copywriter since I was 19, so I do know how to market things.

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He says he wants to stand for election here in 2011. Don't we have a 5 year residency rule before standing for election?


Yeah - I moved here in 2005. And I can't see standing for election happening anyway, as my work has got a whole lot busier over the last couple of years.

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That link is from 2005, so the residency criteria will have been met by 2011. When this subject first came up on here Politician made a pretty good fist of defending his position, and said at the time standing was something he would consider before 2011 but it wasn't foremost in his mind. Since then his posts have been reasonable, and he hasn't come across as badly as I expected them to. However, if he stood in my constituency, I would find it hard to get passed that he'd previously left an area he represented but didn't resign his seat.

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Yeah - I didn't check the date on the link. I wouldn't vote for someone just off the boat. I see that isn't the case. Like you Declan, I wouldn't vote for someone with politician's political record - only a miracle like getting the horse trams to turn a profit without picking up a consultancy fee or an advertising contract would convince me otherwise.

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That link is from 2005, so the residency criteria will have been met by 2011. When this subject first came up on here Politician made a pretty good fist of defending his position, and said at the time standing was something he would consider before 2011 but it wasn't foremost in his mind. Since then his posts have been reasonable, and he hasn't come across as badly as I expected them to. However, if he stood in my constituency, I would find it hard to get passed that he'd previously left an area he represented but didn't resign his seat.


Aye, when Politician first started posting on here quite a few of the forum tried to bait him and give him a good kicking (as they do). He stood his ground pretty well and he replied honestly and openly to any criticisms.


I've bumped into him a couple of times and he seems a reasonable enough bloke.


Would he get my vote would all depend on who he was standing against. Simple as that.

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On the sustainability forum Richard is a good asset. It seems to me that the Council needs to tap into particular marketing skills which Richard has. I hope the Amenities and Leisure Committee of the Council will take his ideas on board.


Whilst Island21 is a sustainability forum, it is not concerned just with environmental issues but also with economic and social concerns. We are a diverse group of people who are supplying such gifts as we have voluntarily without any remuneration. Some of the members are Manx (I am) and we also have several who have extensive business experience elsewhere. I do not want this to be a political forum but one which is apolitical to simply improve our island.


We are shortly to publish a hard copy of the GreenMann Directory, the electronic version is on www.greenmann.org

DOLGE and DAFF plus the RSA have helped with the funding.


Anyone who wants to know more, please contact me. I am off the island presently but will be back next Tuesday.

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I look forward to seeing this one pan out ; )) After all, the marketing man's remit is to get the mug (that's you and me, well actually not me I can see through it usually, lol,lol...... ) to spend as much as possible on something they neither wanted or were even interested in. Here's a slogan to get the brainstorming around the flip chart going.........


The Horse Trams - Your Ticket to the Past. ( if you're lucky enough to get one that is, lol,lol.............. )

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