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That's right Addie - all you do next is double click on one (best to work from the top down as they are in order - or print them off in order and read at your leisure)

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It takes two seconds Mission - all you do is follow the link, click on the documents and it prompts you for an e-mail address and you're in. Very fast and no hassle.

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What a surprise that this hasnt been made Public Knowledge before.


I suppose they'd argue that it's available to the public.


They just don't seem to have made any effort to make it easily available to us.


I'd like to see it on the Tynwald website along with all of the other documens then have. I might ask why it is not there.


Good Chinese last night?

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Some will say I got this at a 9-30 meeting down the pub :huh:


Please don't try to get around your mod review status by extensively editing your posts at a later date. If you have significantly more to contribute, please make a new post and await approval

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Some will say I got this at a 9-30 meeting down the pub  :huh:


Firstly. I managed to view the Tynwald Standards and Member's Interests Committee documents. They make very interesting reading indeed. But have they issued any report or anything since August 13th? It would be interesting to know.


Secondly, in order for you not to be 'shut up' on these forums, perhaps you should give some thought about what you have posted in the past that may leave you open to having your posts restricted. Check the terms and conditions and my guess is that you may have crossed these on occasions.


I'm sure I've spotted the odd personal information about members posted by you on here. I know very little about these things but I do know that revealing personal information about a member is a real big no-no, no matter who it's or like them or loath them. To allow yourself to retain some freedom of access here, try to be very careful and you should surely be OK?


I really believe that it really is very important that people with grievances are allowed their voice. Please be careful and don't lose your voice by getting cross and careless.


If it is just a matter of a certain topic being off limits to everyone then you are no different in your posts being censored than everyone else is likely to be.


Up to now a topic has been locked. It's still there to be read - well it was last time I looked - and had become a complete mess anyway. How any potential members or guests found it in the first place amazes me. The thread title gave little indication of the content.


So one topic locked, a couple of grumpy replies to those wondering why, plus a couple of vague threats of possible future thread deletions and that's been it really.


It's a shame in many ways really as all forums seem certain to go the same way.


A forum idea can start off quite anarchic and free thinking and speaking and enjoying the immediacy that the internet offers. But then have to be more 'establishment' with terms and conditions that must take longer to compose than War and Peace.


Someone mentioned earlier somewhere that forums will soon become just chat rooms - something similar anyway - and I fear that this may well prove to be the case.


Everyone's thinking and free speech being safely confined to computer matters, wish-to-meet forums and music discussions.


It's a bit like ordering a pit bull and taking delivery of a poodle.


I wouldn't want to run a forum, I admit that. It's a potential minefield.


edit by ans to remove the amended quoted text

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For those that have read the transcript, what is your opinion of the way it was conducted.

Mr Cannan asked important questions which were repeatedly sidestepped by the respondant. I got the feeling that Mr Cannan wanted the answers, but didn't push enough and so the questions ultimately remained unanswered.


Previously I suggested that as Treasurey Minister at the time of the grant's introduction Mr Corkill would have known that invoices had to be paid in full prior to claining the grant. In the document, it clearly states that the grant system was drawn up with advice from Treasurty and when the respondant was asked why some may have to take out loans to pay the bills then use the grant to pay off the loans, the respondant stated, Treasury insisted on that method!


One thing for certain that can be concluded from the hearing is that simple administration methods are lacking. There were numerous references to "Learning from mistakes" but many of the mistakes could have been avoided if common sense had prevailed. I'm not allowed to shrug my shoulders and assume that it'll be ok the next time, I have to be 100% clear about what I am doing at the time and if there is the slightest doubt, sort it before proceding. In my eyes quite simple, yet for Government and public money, what the heck, eh?


"Accounts paid" and "Receipted Invoices", what is the difference? Mr Cretney kept implying that they had two totally different meanings, yet at no time was asked to clarify the difference.


There were five invoices for Part 2 of the development, three were fine, two caused uncertainty (but went through anyway due to the lax admin methods as pointed out above). It transpires that the Department which administors the grant payments is happy to receive faved copies of the invoices, doesn't approach the builders in cases of query, and doesn't apparently have the right to see the original invoice from the claimant in the case of query. The claimant was reluctant to show the original invoice.


Two other schemes were found to have been paid out in similar fashion, yet they were clarified as ok in very quick time and found to be satisfactory.


Conclusion? Lots of basic errors that should never have occured, a clear reluctance even now to openly volunteer information and still the air of what is being hidden.


If I had to sum it all up in 2 words? Excrutiating Incompetence.

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Thread does not deliver.

Why did you bother to post on his thread and why not just leave the man alone for a while, Ans?


Me points to ignore function.


I re-discovered this just now.


If he did that, he'd probably end up talking to himself:-


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