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Running On Air.


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Times Article


A car that runs on air and releases no pollutants into the atmosphere at low speeds could be on sale in India as soon as this year.

The three-seat fibreglass OneCAT weighs only 350kg (770lb) and is expected to be priced at about £2,500. The engine technology is backed by Tata, the Indian conglomerate that last month unveiled the world’s cheapest car, the £1,250 Nano.

Refuelling involves topping up on compressed air, which is used to power the OneCAT’s piston engine. In a couple of minutes - and at a cost of as little as £1 - the vehicle is ready to travel another 200 to 300 kilometres (125 to 185 miles), its inventors said.

The vehicle, which burns small amounts of conventional fuels at higher speeds, has been developed by Moteur Development International (MDI), a French-based, family owned group that has been working on an “air car” for the past decade. “The engine is efficient, cost-effective, scalable and capable of other applications, like power generation,” a spokesman said.

Vivek Chattopadhyaya, of the Delhi-based Centre for Science and Environment, said: “What counts is how much energy all the processes involved require - from manufacturing the car to compressing the air.”

A top speed of about 70 miles an hour has been claimed. An oil change should be necessary only every 30,000 miles or more and the air expelled from the engine will be clean and cold and can be used in the air conditioning unit.


Does that sound too good to be true - or is it the first step in reducing the value of oil and sending certain places* back to the middle ages where they truly belong?


*This does not include Texas as it's already there.

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Nice one if true. Anything that reduces oil consumption and deconstructs the current state of affairs can't be bad. Back to basics for some countries maybe.......

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Does that sound too good to be true - or is it the first step in reducing the value of oil and sending certain places* back to the middle ages where they truly belong?


*This does not include Texas as it's already there.


Compressing air is just another method of storing potential energy, like a battery. I guess it being worthwhile is the storage efficiency vs size, and I just can't see compressed air winning there? The tanks will be huge surely?


I suppose one benefit is you can refuel compressed air, where it takes longer to fill up a battery. Not sure I like the idea of a heavily compressed canister sat under me arse either.

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We must also bear in mind that energy is required to compress the air, as to clean air, it will only be as clean as the comp system, i mean you wouldnt want to breath the air out of an industrial comp in your diving tanks :o


what ever happened to the "sarich" ? engine, that was promoted as a world changer as i remember.


PS googled it, and its another conspiricy-----goody

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Do explain, was it an air thingy?

No, it was an eccentric rotor/vane type engine running on fossil fuels, used as compressors when driven by a lecky motor, maybe a vane compressor will be used to compress the air for the air car!


conspiricy consists of Ford/Renault buying up the patents and burying them to prevent progress :o


Probably the effing masons :rolleyes:

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Everytime I read the title to this thread the voice in my head starts singing the Home & Away theme song...(as I remember it from about 10 years ago). I don't know why, the lyric is 'walking on air' but I've reached the conclusion that it is one of the best theme songs ever so I don't really mind.


Anyway....cars that run on air. Very green.

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Everytime I read the title to this thread the voice in my head starts singing the Home & Away theme song...(as I remember it from about 10 years ago). I don't know why, the lyric is 'walking on air' but I've reached the conclusion that it is one of the best theme songs ever so I don't really mind.

You sure you're not thinking about "walking in the air" The theme from The Snowman by Aled Jones?

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You sure you're not thinking about "walking in the air" The theme from The Snowman by Aled Jones?


No way, the Snowman indeed, I'm offended. It's definitely Home & Away.


I'm walking on aiiiirrrrr, just to know (just to know) you are therrrrrrrre (you are theerrrre). Hold me in your ar....yeah, you get the picture.


I'm never going to get this out of my head now.

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You sure you're not thinking about "walking in the air" The theme from The Snowman by Aled Jones?


No way, the Snowman indeed, I'm offended. It's definitely Home & Away.


I'm walking on aiiiirrrrr, just to know (just to know) you are therrrrrrrre (you are theerrrre). Hold me in your ar....yeah, you get the picture.


I'm never going to get this out of my head now.


My apologies! I'm not familiar with the tune you mention (which I imagine is rather fortunate for me)

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Everytime I read the title to this thread the voice in my head starts singing the Home & Away theme song...(as I remember it from about 10 years ago). I don't know why, the lyric is 'walking on air' but I've reached the conclusion that it is one of the best theme songs ever so I don't really mind.


A good few years ago, the tv in my mate's flat was in range of one of those video sender gadgets, that transmit your tv/video signal to another tv in your house. We'd often flick it on, cos whoever it was watched movies and stuff, and sometimes porn, was all good. Anyway, this one time we put it on and the owner was watching that opening sequence from home and away, with the music you speak of, where they're frolocking on the beach in bikini's. Then he rewound it and watch it again. And again, and again..... urgh.


Anyway....cars that run on air. Very green.


Not if the compressor is run off a coal power station!

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