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Pat Ayres

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Fantastic, we've not had a "Let's slag off taxi driver drivers" thread for at least a week or two.

If you are actually serious about doing this job it would help to find a taxi owner who is looking for a driver and get him/her to assist you through the process of getting your badge. Be prepared to need a medical costing a minimum of £60, be police vetted and provide every address you have lived at since the age of 18.

The knowledge test is not as easy as people think; most people go into it thinking "I've lived on the IOM for X amount of years so should have no problem" then find out it isn't quite that simple.

There is a good living to be made out of this job, but as Lonan3 says, be prepared to work a hell of a lot of hours. I put in about 70 hours a week minimum on shift, depending on how many hours our part timers can do.

The plus points are the money, the chance to meet many varied and interesting people, the chance to spend a lot of time reading while sat on the rank and spend a lot of time listening to music.

The minus points are mindless and abusive drunks, people who constantly whine about the fare even before you switch the meter on (As a point of interest, the fares on the IOM are calculated to reflect an average of those charged across the British Isles, so where they are cheaper than some areas they are more expensive than others), idiots who cannot handle drink vomitting in your car which YOU then have to clean up, being spat at, shouted at, assaulted and generally being treated like shit.

Skrappey; if you live in Douglas or thereabouts, contact one of the Douglas drivers who post on here for advice, if you are in Ramsey then PM me. I will help you get your badge and may be able to offer you a job.

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I have some questions:


This involves taking a written test on your knowledge of the roads throughout the island.

Why can't your GPS answer this test?


As a driver, if you wish it to be your full-time occupation, you will need to work the best part of 70 to 80 hours per week in order to make a reasonable living.

What renumeration constitutes a "reasonable" living?


Also isn't there some new legislation on the way changing the rules?

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And make sure you know the difference between Falcon Street, Falcon Mews, Falcon Cliff Apartments, Falcon Apartments, Falcon Cliff Court, Falcon Cliff Place, Glen Falcon Road, Glen Falcon Terrace, Falcon Cliff Terrace and Falcon Cliff Terrace Lane. Er...and the Old Falcon Brewery :D

The RTLC (Road Transport Licensing Committee) office is at Prospect Chambers, just up from the pub, and they would have application forms for your hackney licence and could point you in the right direction, also the proprietors of the main taxi firms in Douglas could advise you. Best way is to drive for someone on a 50/50 split until you know what you are doing. I would prefer to drive for someone than have my own plate anyway. Just depends who you drive for. Some people are better to be involved with than others. Like life generally. Good luck!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Did my 'knowledge' test today, not as hard as I thought it might be but still hard enough. I answered all the qiestions but I know some are wrong. I don't think I passed because I answered one question in an old school stylee and they've changed the signs since I last noticed them! Plus I couldn't remember where a certain night club is, I'll have to get out more often. Never mind. Should have called me this afternoon with pass/fail but no call as yet.

I'll ring tomorrow and book another test for two weeks time, probably.

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