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Pat Ayres

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What a turn up, I passed with 81%!!!!!!!!!!

Even though I forgot what shape a stop sign is, still as I'll be driving a taxi ..................................................

(Fill in the gap yourself)

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What a turn up, I passed with 81%!!!!!!!!!!

Even though I forgot what shape a stop sign is, still as I'll be driving a taxi ..................................................

(Fill in the gap yourself)

...................I will be observed more closely than ever before. I cannot avoid this because I will be so easily distinguished by the roof sign. Even the tiniest mistake I make will be noted by someone and used as evidence to suggest that taxi drivers are the worst people on the roads - although any act of politeness will be studiously ignored.

I will, therefore, learn not to react to the abuse of drunks, dickheads and impatient customers (and Manx customers are probably the most impatient and demanding on earth!)

I will learn not to bite chunks out of the steering wheel when, after travelling for a couple of miles to an arranged pickup, I'm told that they have cancelled - usually just as I'm drawing up outside their house.

When a customer asks me to wait 'a couple of minutes,' I will learn not to compare the actual time taken with the amount of facial hair growth I've experienced in the interim.

I will learn that "I won't spill a single drop - honest!" is one of the great lies and right up there along with 'The cheque’s in the post,' 'This will hurt me more than it hurts you,' and 'Of course I won't do that in your mouth!'


There's much more to learn, of course, but that's not a bad beginning.

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Thanks for those words of encouragement. I'll get that tattooed on my bell end so I don't forget.

I do hope I get a couple of weeks before being smacked by some pissed up scally wanting to go to "any fucking place as long as they serve alcohol". Can't wait.

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Thanks for those words of encouragement. I'll get that tattooed on my bell end so I don't forget.

I do hope I get a couple of weeks before being smacked by some pissed up scally wanting to go to "any fucking place as long as they serve alcohol". Can't wait.


You old cynic you! I bet you remember the old Foxcabs, the hackey cabs in red in Leicester. I worked there for nearly 5 months before I was beaten up!

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As long as you accept a reduction in driving standards and customer service, no probs, I'll fit a light in the boot.

This is in addition to running my van and doing anything else to earn a bob or two.

Bloody hell, I'm a cabby and a white van man, the world's gone mad.

I got a plug on the radio yesterday, thanks for that lads. I phoned in one of those 'guess the intro' thingies and my name was read out with the addition of "that's the white van man " no such thing as bad publicity.

Yes I do remember red cabs in Leicester, pretty ropey looking things I recall. Did a good job though.

"Where to me duck?"

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As long as you accept a reduction in driving standards and customer service, no probs, I'll fit a light in the boot.

This is in addition to running my van and doing anything else to earn a bob or two.

Bloody hell, I'm a cabby and a white van man, the world's gone mad.

I got a plug on the radio yesterday, thanks for that lads. I phoned in one of those 'guess the intro' thingies and my name was read out with the addition of "that's the white van man " no such thing as bad publicity.

Yes I do remember red cabs in Leicester, pretty ropey looking things I recall. Did a good job though.

"Where to me duck?"


You're as daft as a brush, you are! :P

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with the de-regualtion thing.... aren't they issuing a load of free plates? people who have paid £30K+ for are doing their nut in apparently?


If I have been informed correctly, the final decision on this will be made on the 10th of April. Most likely outcomes of the meeting are:

1. All island coming in but no delimitation.

2. All island coming in with delimitation but a 12 month wait.

Does seem a little strange that the only MHK vocally objecting to these changes (Malarkey) is the only one who actually has any experience of the taxi industry.

I have no objections to changes within the industry, progress is progress, but I do object to the changes being decided by people who have no idea how the industry works and implementing them just to justify their own existence.

And no, I don't own a plate so have no vested interest in the system remaining the same.

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