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Alcohol In Our Society" Pag Talk

Charles Flynn

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How valuable do you think?, any specifics? really interested in new ideas that arent spouted for gathering sound bites and votes.



They suggested Drugs and Acohol Strategies should be separated as they are totally different problems.


The main problems with alcohol are caused by the large numbers of people binge drinking- not with the small number who are addicted and need residential facilities.

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How valuable do you think?, any specifics? really interested in new ideas that arent spouted for gathering sound bites and votes.



They suggested Drugs and Acohol Strategies should be separated as they are totally different problems.


The main problems with alcohol are caused by the large numbers of people binge drinking- not with the small number who are addicted and need residential facilities.

But binge drinking=two pints, which to many would just be a social drink.


According to long-tail theory, the smaller drug users (rather than the addicts) are likely to account for a greater amount of expenditure on drugs, and thus contribute more the drug dealers salary. Almost by definition, the addicts will have less money to spend on them.


It seems to be the problems lie with the non-addicts in both cases. The only real difference is that alcohol is criminalised.

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How valuable do you think?, any specifics? really interested in new ideas that arent spouted for gathering sound bites and votes.

They suggested Drugs and Acohol Strategies should be separated as they are totally different problems.


The main problems with alcohol are caused by the large numbers of people binge drinking- not with the small number who are addicted and need residential facilities.

I think separating drugs and alcohol as issues would be a sensible start. The picture is far more complicated than it seems, especially for alcohol, as are the demographics and therefore the solutions IMO. Alcohol is a social problem which needs to be tackled as a social problem, and not totally by the police, and the current political approach: "I'm out of ideas - so let's punish all" reacting to the consequences of it.


In terms of drugs, I find it hard to believe that we have invaded Afghanistan, a country that generates 90% of heroin in the world, and yet Afghanistan have just had one of the best heroin harvests of recent years. If the US and UK governments took some time out from killing people for a moment, and thought about investing economically in Afghanistan and helping the country build itself up in terms of its ability to trade and replaced heroin with commercially viable crops - many people here and there would benefit.


Moreover, on an island this size with a limited number of ports, I can never understand why they simply do not throw more resources at the ports, harbours and sorting office (e.g. a few more cops with a good few sniffer dogs - as well as do quite a few more random drug searches on boats, yachts and planes coming here). I'm convinced a fully resourced concerted attack on drugs would minimise the supply a great deal.


According to the 2006 prison report alone, almost 70% of prisoners were in there for either drugs or violent behaviour - which I am convinced have major links - just as I am convinced that alcohol and violent behaviour have major links. When you actually work out all that this entails and costs (millions upon millions) to get these people inside (very often only to return) - it makes sense to me to spend money on tackling the underlying causes of drugs by hitting their ports of entry, and to spend money on education and faciities for children to get them out of the habit of hanging around streets drinking and causing agravation and then going into pubs to do much the same and worse when they get to 18.


The sooner we realise that it is parents mostly to blame for the feral element of society, the sooner we will realise that it is the missing parental elements of society that we have to somehow replace if we are to get anywhere near solving the problems of youth.

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Moreover, on an island this size with a limited number of ports, I can never understand why they simply do not throw more resources at the ports, harbours


How would you stop high speed inflatable craft doing a quick drop on the beach that runs from north of Peel all the way round to Ramsey?

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I see as the result of this meeting the PAG has decided the drug and alcohol strategy is a disister


We're all fucked!!!!!!


How depressing. It's enough to drive me to drink


The letter they published was ace:-


binge drinking - to the point of hospitalization in at three cases I am aware of - along with drug consumption and under-age sex are rife in Douglas


Where has this person been living for the last 30 years? Its been like that here since the 70's.

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The letter they published was ace:-

I thought the letter they published showed what tiny minds some people have. This was particularly annoying:


I am sure the answers involve multiple compounding reasons in what has become a complex social issue, but immediate responsibility must surely lie firmly with blah-di-blah-di-blah Rubbish parents (fair shout) blah-di-blah-di-blah Schools (Eh???? And just what are you on?), and ultimately the Department of Education, for failing to provide adequate, if any effective guidance for children of this age of the short, medium and long-term consequences of their actions, and to guide them towards more appropriate activities (What!!!!!)

This was particularly bad timing as yesterday Head Teacher's leader John Dunford told the Association of School and College Leaders annual conference in Brighton that:


Poor parenting and the erosion of family life are leaving schools as the only moral framework in many children's lives

For "moral framework" read "basic parenting skills like discipline, manners, respect etc etc" BBC article here


The point is that it simply isn't up to the schools or the Dept of Ed (jeeeze!) to give kids moral guidance. It's up to the parents for chrissake! If their kids are running wild due to their lack of commitment to them (i.e. they couldn't give a toss) then do simple things like curfew the kids and curfew the bloody parents with them. They'll soon realise that Dwayne and Chardonnay have behaviour "shortfalls" that have led them to this and then maybe they'll do something about it.

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I see as the result of this meeting the PAG has decided the drug and alcohol strategy is a disister


We're all fucked!!!!!!


How depressing. It's enough to drive me to drink



What nonsense is this:


'It's our favourite drug. It's cheaper than water yet has the same narcotic make-up as heroin and cocaine.'


I'd like to see beer that's cheaper than tap water! What does 'narcotic make-up' actually mean? It's hard to see what Alchohol, Cocaine and Heroin have in common.

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I see as the result of this meeting the PAG has decided the drug and alcohol strategy is a disister


We're all fucked!!!!!!


How depressing. It's enough to drive me to drink



What nonsense is this:


'It's our favourite drug. It's cheaper than water yet has the same narcotic make-up as heroin and cocaine.'


I'd like to see beer that's cheaper than tap water! What does 'narcotic make-up' actually mean? It's hard to see what Alchohol, Cocaine and Heroin have in common.




No surprises from them though.


PAG = Patronizing Arrogant Gits.

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