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Member Of Legislative Council (mlc) Elections


MLC Election 4th March 2008  

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Dick Horsnell's UKIP webpage - I just don't get it. Can anyone explain to me how he is a suitable candidate?


Someone please tell me that this is a different Dick Horsnell - I really hope I am mistaken.


Horsnell's nomination is truly bizarre, although he already seems to be involved with the Government: He's one of the panel engaged in the review of the scope and structure of the Manx government being conducted by the Chief secretary's office.


Anyone fancy a revolution?

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Yes! Vinnie - common ground at last! :D


I know, disgraceful isn't it! We can always fight over the scraps once we've brought down society though, if you like.


It looks (unfortunately) like Horsnell has been officially resident here for a while. According to this he's been here since '79, occassionally taking time out to stand for election in the UK and act as Kilroy's campaign manager.


Thinking about it, it's not that surprising the Karran's aligned himself with this lot. Karran's conduct is less motivated by a coherent ideology or political belief than it is some inane fantasy about himself being the champion of the underdog. In that context it's not hard to imagine him going all weak at the knees and starry eyed at the thought of graduating from nipping at the Manx government's heels to standing up for the common man against the behemoth of the EU and basking in imagined glory.


Next election I'm going to buy a performing chimp that claps its hands and dances whenever it's presented with a banana and put it up as a candidate for Onchan. Remember to vote Bobo when the time comes - he's the rational candidate.

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Well, if he has been here, on and off, since 1979, then things are slightly different - but his involvement in UKIP and St George fixation clearly show where his loyalties have always been. Just to recap then, Peter Karran has put up for election as MLC a candidate who:

Is a UK nationalist, but has avoided actually living in the UK since 1979.

Is against immigration from one European state to another, except in the case of immigration between England and the Isle of Man, obviously.

Is against devolution, regional assemblies or any other dilution of Westminster's powers to legislate for the whole UK - but obviously supports Manx independence (especially fiscal) wholeheartedly.

Surely I am mistaken? Surely this cannot be the same man?

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And there is already one Radio Broadcaster and one former Police Officer in the Legislative Council. I'm not sure do we need more.


I was listening in to House of Keys Manx Radio AM this morning and there was a motion to move the MLC voting to the beginning of the Agenda as there were members to be absent later today. James Davis, who is standing in for David Callister in the Manx Radio box decided that we were not to hear the motion and gabbled over it then he played some music so we hadn't a clue what was happening.


Start of "Manx Radio Censorship*" here :20080204_Motion_Unsuccessful_001.mp3

Insert here the Point of Order motion along with the voting by our MHKs


End of "Manx Radio Censorship*"20080204_Motion_Unsuccessful__002.mp3


Anyway, the motion failed. So this means that there is going to be even more difficulty in the candidates gaining the 13 votes necessary.


It could be a long haul!






* In fact Manx Radio are only contracted to Broadcast House of Keys Question Time. The motion was outwith the Manx Radio remit, as is the voting for the MLCs. I still would have like to hear it though, along with some other HoK business today.


Ah well.

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Clare Christian, Juan Turner and Eddie Lowey back in.


Understand that David Callister has said he won't be letting his name go forward again, but he got 11 votes and nearly made it. If he doesn't go forward that leaves the way forward for either PC or Dr Dick - what a choice. I'd rather David C than either of them. Stand again David!!!

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Well, if he has been here, on and off, since 1979, then things are slightly different - but his involvement in UKIP and St George fixation clearly show where his loyalties have always been. Just to recap then, Peter Karran has put up for election as MLC a candidate who:


Surely I am mistaken? Surely this cannot be the same man?


Unfortunately it is the same person - a quick search on iomtoday soon shows him banging on about the EU here and there.


There he's described as "an academic engineer, an industrialist, a venture capitalist, a farmer and an entrepreneur". A better description would be a single issue former tory tub thumper who, despite his apparently unwavering patriotism, promptly fled the UK during the Winter of Discontent and whose reason for standing for LegCo is probably nothing more than he got sick of being a little fish in a big pond with UKIP.

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Do all those new recruits to Liberal Vannin know that Peter is nominating a Ukipper? Very odd.


Did the party's financiers ask him to put the Ukipper up?


The Ukipper is the party financier

cheeky boy - is this a fact or just being tongue-in-cheeky? Was Karran's meeting with UKIP in Channel Islands over Lisbon Treaty related to this financing? Is it Dr Dick personally financing or UKIP as a party that are financing LV?

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I'm surprised he wants in at all after this comment:


"TYNWALD has lost credibility because of the actions of the European Union"


Like it had any to start with. Ahhh, he's going to reform it from within! Oh well, he's clearly got a sense of humour...

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Horsnell's nomination is truly bizarre, although he already seems to be involved with the Government: He's one of the panel engaged in the review of the scope and structure of the Manx government being conducted by the Chief secretary's office.

How and why was Dr Dick appointed for this review? He hardly comes across as an obvious choice. It could perhaps look like it was arranged as a bit of 'grooming' to give boost to his political career in IoM. Dr Dick seems to be at the end of a few patronage strings.

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