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[BBC News] Man injured in street gang attack


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I would like to have said that giving them a good kicking would teach them a lesson, sadly it doesnt as the same gang still roams about douglas looking for lone people to beat up.

Then you clearly didn't cause them enough pain. Must try harder.... But then I think Tony Martin deserved jail as he only wounded one of them.


I would laugh so much if a pair of scally fucks tried to jump someone for no reason and ended up in comas! :lol:

Yes, but it would be a kind of hysterical laughter that was as much crying as laughing and you'd end up feeling drained and somehow dirty and questioning your own morality.

A "kind of hyterical laughter", "drained", "dirty", "questioning your own morality" - are you mad? I've tried to impose the ultimate sanction and felt none of those things. So just how does that fit in with your high-brow moral ideals? Here's a litte clue to help you think things through. The scum who carry out these cowardly acts, according to you how do they feel afterwards?

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I would laugh so much if a pair of scally fucks tried to jump someone for no reason and ended up in comas! :lol:


Yes, but it would be a kind of hysterical laughter that was as much crying as laughing and you'd end up feeling drained and somehow dirty and questioning your own morality.


o thats easy, i dont have any morals,


but u are right i would feel dirty and drained and crying

crying with laughter

dirty from rolling around laughing

and drained from useing all that energy from laughing


IMO if somebody jumps someone for no reason and thay end up getting a kicking then really thay brought it on themselfs, and deseve what thay get

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[A "kind of hyterical laughter", "drained", "dirty", "questioning your own morality" - are you mad? I've tried to impose the ultimate sanction and felt none of those things. So just how does that fit in with your high-brow moral ideals? Here's a litte clue to help you think things through. The scum who carry out these cowardly acts, according to you how do they feel afterwards?


a - what the fuck are you on about?

b - I wasn't talking to you

c - obviously the lack of a winking smiley face at the end of my post meant that you took it in the wrong vein - I'll have to make sure that I make full use of emoticons in future.

d - maybe you should try to generalise less. I haven't got a clue how they feel - I imagine each one feels slightly different to the rest, depending on their psychological make up and their upbringing and every other factor that's contributed to who they are.

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Quote "What they really need is to pick on the wrong person and have the shit absolutly kicked out of them instead, that might make them think twice next time (assuming the intended victim leaves them able to walk)


I would laugh so much if a pair of scally fucks tried to jump someone for no reason and ended up in comas! laugh"



Its always good when they get the wrong guy!


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You dont have to go back that far to remember what i was like to walk home without fear of unprovoked attacks.


Over the past year there must be someone getting a kicking on an average of say every other week. 10 years ago i dont think the figure was anything like that, 30 years ago i would imagine people would accuse you of witchcraft if you mentioned todays figures.

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