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2020 Vision


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1. World class, high quality products and services.

2. Positive first and lasting impressions and visitors who feel cared for every step of the way.

3. A match between visitor experience and visitor expectation.

4. A more skilled and knowledgeable tourism workforce.

5. Profitable, year round products and services.

6. A positive image of the Isle of Man, bolstered by a recognised Manx Quality Assurance Scheme.

7. 2020 accommodation model – 4/5* led, by location.


Its a lot of 'What we need' and 'what we need to do' with very little actual 'we are going to do such and such'

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2. Positive first and lasting impressions and visitors who feel cared for every step of the way.


How would the Steam Packet fit in to this vision?


3. A match between visitor experience and visitor expectation.


thats easy, ensure they expect little and a match that.


5. Profitable, year round products and services.


if the Victorians didn't manage this when tourism was booming we've no chance.


7. 2020 accommodation model – 4/5* led, by location.


better stop knocking down hotels and building skanky appartment blocks, and do ramblers and bikers in the main want 4/5* accomodation?


sounds to me like hes talking about business visitors more than actual tourists.

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7. 4/5* led....In 2020 very few will have enough disposable income to stay in these types of places, this man is an idiot and clearly has no idea what is going on around him, not unlike the majority of politicians. As for MQAS - Oh perlease more crappy acronyms that mean nothing and bits of paper that make people feel important, who is taken in by Quality assurance? I do not need a bit of paper to tell me I am brilliant, why do other people/industries feel the need for them? (No praise like self praise)


We need to start being a bargain holiday place, with lots of great free things to do. Forget trying to compete with other places, just be ourselves and hope people want to come and see what we have to offer. Sell the good things, like glens, parks, cycle paths, the DAFF have lovely walk brouchures, there's the steam/electric trains, the Laxey Wheels, the wild life park and all the other stuff the 80K people who live here find to do with their spare time. Its not that grim here is it? Sell the point that you dont have to wait hours to get through customs to get here. Theres loads of good points to sell the Isle Of Man to tourists on, but they are missed by those that do have their heads in the clouds/up their own arses.

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So much for SMART





-timescale included


Yes! I've finally used something off the various business management courses I've been on (dozed through) over the years.

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1. World class, high quality products and services.

2. Positive first and lasting impressions and visitors who feel cared for every step of the way.

3. A match between visitor experience and visitor expectation.

4. A more skilled and knowledgeable tourism workforce.

5. Profitable, year round products and services.

6. A positive image of the Isle of Man, bolstered by a recognised Manx Quality Assurance Scheme.

7. 2020 accommodation model – 4/5* led, by location.

Freedom to flounder.


It'll take at least a >£500m budget to achieve such things...because basically here, there is currently nothing to do and all day to do it. I still say stick to the TT associated knitting and build an F1 circuit - and the rest will follow, including associated businesses and numerous customers for the finance and other sectors.


Whatever we do here it will be from March to September, and we have to face up to the fact that people generally won't, and never have, come here during the winter, perhaps except for conferences.

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It'll take at least a >£500m budget to achieve such things...because basically here, there is currently f**k all to do and all day to do it

Do you live on Chicken Rock? There's loads to do on the Island.


thebees: The insufficient amount of 4/5* accomodation was always a big complaint of businesses. If we people want cheap and tacky holidays they aren't going to come to the Isle of Man and go round the Wildlife Park. I also have no idea what you are talking about when you say people in 2020 won't have enough disposable income to stay in hotels.


A lot of general negativity here. Of course, its much easier to say politicans do nothing useful whilst contributing nothing to the tourism debate yourselves than would be to, say, respond to the consultation. :rolleyes:

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It'll take at least a >£500m budget to achieve such things...because basically here, there is currently f**k all to do and all day to do it

Do you live on Chicken Rock? There's loads to do on the Island.

Fraggle Rock actually.


Go on then - list all the things for tourists to do that they can't do at home in the UK and would want to spend nearly £1000 getting/staying here for a week.

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