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2020 Vision


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I left my comments on the papers site. it still cracks me up, if thats what he thinks new acts are. oh my fucking days!


With the development to the quay in Douglas, maybe enticing the millionaire yacht owners to come over. With the rumours of a Hotel being built on the old bus station it would be perfect over looking the marina.


I don't know how many times I have to drop hints to the villa about the advantages of our tax system to professional bands and entertainers, as a way of bringing them over cheaper than normal. Giving the Manx people a steady stream of quality entertainment.


In January Sigur Ros released Odins Raven Magic, did the IOM arts council or tourist board do anything to take advantage of that? nope.


I heard some utter wank recently about the island putting itself forward as "Island of Culture". I can only assume is like the City of Culture except i think the gov. made it up and we'll be the only contender. How exactley we'll beat the Isle of White festival I'm not sure.


Sort the Electric Railway out, get rid of the fucking horse trams, no cunt ever goe son them and they only serve to be a pain in the arse for motorists who have to try and pass them without making the horses go mental.


Give grants or some sort of development money to people like the laser blast guy who brought something of a novelty to the island for 20 minutes, making our otherwise mundane lives quite exciteable while we run around pretending we're in star wars or terminator.

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I don't know how many times I have to drop hints to the villa about the advantages of our tax system to professional bands and entertainers, as a way of bringing them over cheaper than normal. Giving the Manx people a steady stream of quality entertainment.


This isn't a dig but, given it costs a damn sight more to see a band at the Villa as it does elesewhere on their European tour, does the amount the Steam Packet charges to get their gear/tour bus across not prohibit getting more bands across ? Also the fact they can't feasably play Douglas one night then another city/town the next night.


But regarding the tax thing, I think The Police started their reunion/pension fund World Tour in Canada as it meant paying less tax on the rest of the tour, so maybe better dropping hints to Harvey Goldstein/Regular Music than the Villa, who from what you've said are as receptive as a house brick.


Sort the Electric Railway out, get rid of the fucking horse trams, no cunt ever goe son them and they only serve to be a pain in the arse for motorists who have to try and pass them without making the horses go mental.


I like making the horses go mental :)

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No worries Prov no dig taken, they're just my half drunken ramblings :). Yeah thats the same thing they can do here with regards the tax exemption.


It would be a bit more of a problem in the winter when boats aren't on as much but, there's no reason they couldn't play over here and get the 2am boat back to England. Though that might be considered burn out for most acts these days :)

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The only people who come here outside of TT week are those with family or those on business. There isn't anything tourist orientated that you can't do in the UK cheaper and more easily.


The DTL should concentrate on getting foot passengers here and giving them something to do when they get here. What are they on about trying to get people to stay in 4/5* hotels? There's nothing for those people to do! They should concentrate on getting foot passengers over because foot passenger tickets are really cheap when you look how far in one direction £17.50 will get you on a train in the UK. We've got miles and miles of outdoor space, forests, rolling hills, glens, beaches....there's loads to do if the facilities are provided. It's never going to be Monacco and all these Marinas that are being built will never be full of £50m yatchs so they should stop pushing that angle and look around at what we already have to offer, a few mountain bike rental shops, walks and campsites with better facilites is a better idea than any amount of 5* hotels....

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They should concentrate on getting foot passengers over because foot passenger tickets are really cheap when you look how far in one direction £17.50 will get you on a train in the UK. We've got miles and miles of outdoor space, forests, rolling hills, glens, beaches....there's loads to do if the facilities are provided.

I agree with some of that. It only costs £23 return from Manchester to the Lake District.


Instead of twinning with Ballyfookinnowhere, they should twin with somewhere like Southport and start shipping the old fogies over (who have 70% of the free money in the economy these days) as foot passengers or on coaches, and get some world recognised TT mountain bike challenge or an Isle of Man marathon going etc. etc.


People consistently demonstrate they are not coming here to holiday in great numbers, unless it is for some recognised event.

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I don't see what the fuss is all about. Do we really want hordes of tourists coming over here? I'm not that bothered about it, I like it the way it is. If I want to see a few good bands, or go to a decent club or even mix with lots of people for a change I go somewhere else for it like London or Manchester. Let Spain deal with the travelling rabble.

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Go on then - list all the things for tourists to do that they can't do at home in the UK and would want to spend nearly £1000 getting/staying here for a week.

This is kind of a silly challenge. Just because the Island does not offer anything that cannot be done in the UK does not count against the Island as tourist destination. People can lie on the beach and get hammered at night in the UK, yet they still fly to Cyprus to do so. Or Thailand. People can go skiing in Scotland but still fly to the Alps.

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Cornwall has had a massive rise in tourist income due to Rick Stein & the Eden Centre


We had our chance at the Eden Centre with the original Summerland plan in 1964 (I have a copy if anyone's interested) what we got was a giant pub and the rest is history


Where we can score today is with food tourism


Start with food production by subsidising farms to go organic and GM free, bear in mind much of our farmland has lain fallow for years so having a fully organic agriculture industry could be a fairly rapid process


Declare a 12 mile territorial fishing limit for "scientific research" and carefully manage our marine resources. This would give our seafood MSC status


Zero VAT rate food in restaurants & takeaways, this would encourage more innovative, marginal cafe, bistros & restaurant sto set up.


As an example, Ludlow in Shropshire has a population of 10,000 and is miles from anywhere but they make a good living from food tourism


I haven't heard of anyone from DTL or DAFF ever having gone down there to find out what make the place so successful


BTW I'll go on an all expenses fact finding trip if you can't find anyone to take on this arduous task

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Go on then - list all the things for tourists to do that they can't do at home in the UK and would want to spend nearly £1000 getting/staying here for a week.

This is kind of a silly challenge. Just because the Island does not offer anything that cannot be done in the UK does not count against the Island as tourist destination. People can lie on the beach and get hammered at night in the UK, yet they still fly to Cyprus to do so. Or Thailand. People can go skiing in Scotland but still fly to the Alps.


The problem with those analogies are that places like Cyprus have much better beaches and weather suited to lounging around in the open compared with the UK, and that's why people go. The Island, however, is so similar to the UK that it's much more difficult convincing people to visit, as they'll be looking for a better, or a more unique experience compared with what they can get closer to home - which is what I think Albert was suggesting.


The Lakes have been mentioned previously in the thread, and they're a good example of the challenges the Island faces in attracting tourists: We've a similar climate, and the landscape/small town charm is comparable, but the Lakes are cheaper to get to, offer more variety, have been firmly established as a tourist destination for the kind of rural majesty holiday for a long time and so have a much better selection of hotels, activities, and restaurants. In other words, it offers a better experience (and has a more prominant reputation as the place to go for scenery and all that jazz). This is why they do much better than the Island in the tourist stakes and why the "1000's of things to do" on the Island aren't that great an incentive to the potential tourist other than occasional trade from people who fancy a bit of a change from the usual destinations but essentially want the same kind of holiday.


As has been suggested elsewhere in the thread, the Island's only going to thrive as a tourist destination if it can find a unique niche to occupy, or it can improve its facilities and do better what its UK and Irish competitors currently do. In either case, this means better hotels and restaurants, especially those in the mid range price bracket at the very least.

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