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Drugs,drugs.drugs And Drugs


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As i walked through the scanner at Liverpool docks after a day trip, the bleep went off.

Strange I thought, only thing I was carrying different to the outward passage was a woolly Liverpool hat. I had a lighter on me so i put that in the tray, again I set the alarms off. "Sir do you have any coins" (these went in the tray), watch, brackets and neck chains" asked the security staff. No I said not even a piercing. Then i remembered. "Oh my drugs I Said".

"Sir i can refuse you passage for using that word", as i put my heart spray in the tray.

Pardon me says I," if they are not drugs what are they?". The only difference between these drugs and the other drugs is the patent.

"Sir you may board the ship" came the reply, what a step down not even the customary grope (pat down) that made me think though.

Then in Mondays examiner I read the drug squad is being renamed. (am i experiencing subliminal reeducation).

Also there was the headline antidepressants and the elderly, well I read no further it smelt like legalized Dr shipmanizm.

Suicide and antidepressants are factually linked, theres more kids die using antidepressants than die of heroin abuse.

I used to listen to Manx radio and on hearing a caller getting a slagging for trying to inform the uninformed as to a alternative to cancer treatment, that just happened to be shown on TV four years ago.

I decided to email not once but a few times Manx Radio as to certain products on the market that are deadly, but the voice of the nation wont pass on the info to the ears of the nation.

So I say don't drink Pepsi or coke they contain a nontoxic called aspartame

heres a link http://www.wnho.net/links-aspartame.htm

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I think the post makes perfect sense.

Thanks for the information Tame Elf I didn't know and I bet there are other people that don't know how dangerous aspartame is.

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I didn't know and I bet there are other people that don't know how dangerous aspartame is.


I raised this on the old Manx.net I must admit I now check ALL products to see if they've got aspartame/NutraSweet in. I avoid the stuff like the plague and feel better for it.


See also




and Here


and here !

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Most of the flavoured water drinks contain aspartame too. I always thought I was doing myself some good by drinking them instead of the usual soft drinks.


I drank so much of that stuff when I was on the Atkins diet. I tend to just drink unflavoured bottled water now though as I found the flavoured drinks too sickly sweet after a while.


I'll have a read up on all of those links.

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I used to think that way too. However, now, the words

sugar free

sound alarm bells.



I'd rather have some sugar, at least it's natural. Not some bizarre American chemical concoction with horrendous side-effects (allegedly)

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This is old news - the Americans have been being dumbed by soft drinks for years, blah blah blah - conspiracy. Funding governments - multinational corporations - joe public fed more cancer stuff.

Is water even safe to drink? Still we are better off than the Victorians so whats the problem?

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