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I was chatting to someone today about this and they told me that Aspartame was created by the US military as a chemical weapon! Not sure about the validity of that but I'll certainly do my best to verify it.


Oh Bill, I checked a packet of sugar free gum that I had in my dek drawer at work and it does indeed contain aspartame but also contains Acesulfame K (which I wasn't aware of!


Needless to say, it ended up in the bin after I'd read the label.

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Phrase One : Always remember that what it says on the packet is true


There are laws about these things you know


It is, after all, 'Government Controlled'


Oh, and if <under the unlikely circumstance> they make an inadvertent 'mistake'


They get fined


Could be a lot of money


A lot of money


Could be even a coupla grand btw


So back to Phrase One y'all

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Personally, I've never suggested a conspiracy, I just don't think it's safe.

Sorry Bill, I appear to have been typing nasty today - I was being 'hacked off' at conspiracy theories, not suggesting one. The point I was making was it is public knowledge that fizzy drinks are bad for you (unless I just presume this because I am a parent? dunno) - whatever! anyway I was talking with my tongue in cheek sorry to cause alarm. :(

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I think it's fairly well known that fizzy drinks are bad for you but when certain diets recommend flavoured water as a healthy alternative, it does start to get a bit worrying really. I know a lot of people knock the Atkins diet and I do have serious reservations about it myself but it's not just Akins that recommends it. Also, sugar free gum would seem a fairly harmless thing to consume at face value but once again, this does not now appear to be the case.


I bought a tub of That Olivio spread the other day (as a healthier alternative to butter, spreadable butter and margerine) I took a look on the back of that today and it's full of E numbers and goodness knows what else.


I think I'll just be sticking to natural, unmodified produce from now on.

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Sorry Bill, I appear to have been typing nasty today - I was being 'hacked off' at conspiracy theories, not suggesting one.


No problem :)


The point I was making was it is public knowledge that fizzy drinks are bad for you


Agreed. But how many people know about how bad aspartame is and just how many products it is in?

If I have a choice between say, bottled water and a fizzy drink, I'd choose the water.

It the choice was between a 'diet' and 'normal' cola, I'd now choose the 'normal' cola.

These days I rarely drink cans of pop. I used to drink loads of 'diet' pop.

However, since I've cut out the 'diet' (aspartame) drinks, I feel a lot better.


It all started off fairly low key. I was sitting here typing a lengthy dissertation , and stopped for a diet cola. Out of curiosity, I looked at the contents of the can (In reality, I was just putting off more typing) and thought 'Just what are all these ingredients?' A quick Google then let to a total change in diet.

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E numbers and goodness knows what else.


Although most E numbers are crappy preservatives and colourings etc. it should also be noted that a lot of E numbers are also no harm at all.


Some interesting ones are:


E948 Oxygen

E175 Gold

E174 Silver

E939 Helium



Oh and the one you want to stay away from that you've been chatting about:


E951 Aspartame





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  • 1 year later...
Lol, i couldnt make sense of it either.


So he wouldn't get an A* for punctuation but at least he uses some unlike some posters on this forum. The post was entirely legible in my opinion.


Does anyone know if they still use the sniffer dogs for foot passengers coming off the boat? That used to be scary as fuck until someone told me that the dog they used was not able to snif for drugs and in fact was only a standard chase dog!

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someone told me that the dog they used was not able to snif for drugs and in fact was only a standard chase dog!

Not true I'm afraid. One of my friends used to work at the airport and would periodically have to wear a bumbag full of cocaine and walk through with the passengers in order to help keep the dogs trained. The same is true of the sea terminal.

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Sorry to bump such an old thread but someone mentioned this to me today and although I couldn't find a link to the story he was talking about (from the Daily Express), I did find a link from the Daily Mail:-


Aspartame ban???


Worthy of a read before you all stock up for the festive season.

Hm..if you have any shares in Coca Cola or Pepsi, now might be the time to sell'em..


Looking at the ways the tobacco and fast food industry operated in the past (i.e. loads of legal action and plenty of "industry funded studies"), it sounds quite realistic and credible...

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Some extracts from a book entitled Health & Nutrition Secrets that can save your life by Russell Blaylock MD, the book also contains a very interesting and informative section on the dangers of Fluoride.




Dr. Blaylock then goes on about a study having to do with brain effects of combined aluminum and fluoride exposure. He says that any fluoride containing product in an aluminum container, including fluoridated toothpaste in aluminum tubes, aluminum cans, aluminum cookware and aluminum containing foods mixed with fluoridated water, can potentially form the harmful aluminum fluoride compound AIF3. He says it has been shown that when aluminum combines with fluoride there is increased transport of both into the brain. He says further:


Especially frightening is that severe brain changes were observed following

consumption of water containing only 0.5 ppm of the aluminum fluoride

compound. Most communities are adding 1-1.5 ppm fluoride to drinking

water. When combined with aluminum an extremely brain toxic compound is

formed. This brings into serious question the assurances being given by

the ADA and EPA that a fluoride level of 1 ppm in drinking water is

safe. You must also take into consideration that the developing brain and

the elderly brain are much more sensitive to such injures.


One of the most common sources of aluminum fluoride complexes is in liquids

packaged as aluminum cans, a combination that is especially hazardous with

acidic fruit juices and diet drinks. Acidic juices leach aluminum from the

wall of the can and disperse it throughout the juice. While all soft

drinks containing fluoride will leach aluminum from the can, diet sodas may

be worse than regular sodas because the fluoride content, at least in one

study, was higher in the diet drinks.


To prevent local supplies from altering a soda's standardized taste, most

water used in soft drinks is normally filtered of all impurities or is

manufactured using distilled water. Ironically, the Coca Cola Company

bottles and sells water (under the name Dasani) purified by the reverse

osmosis method, which removes fluoride from water, but their soda actually

contains fluoride. Presumably, Dasani is the same water they use to make

their soft drinks and it would make sense that coke should actually be

fluoride free. That it isn't would indicate that they are purposely adding

fluoride back in.


Furthermore, the longer a canned drink sits, especially at higher

temperatures, the more aluminofluoride compound will be created in the

drink. This would be a major consideration, for example, in the millions

of diet soft drinks donated to soldiers in the Persian Gulf. These drinks

sat in the blazing heat, over 105 degrees F, for weeks. In addition, the

drinks contained the toxic sweetener, aspartame, which in the heat breaks

down very quickly into the carcinogenic compound, diketopiperazine, as well

as formaldehyde and formic acid.


Since the aspartame issue is also before Parliament consider a new study in Japan has shown aspartame causes DNA damage to sperm and infertility in men. It also, of course, causes infertility in women because it’s an endocrine disrupting chemical and stimulates prolactin. Then, if someone gets pregnant off aspartame it is also an abortifacient and teratogen (triggers birth defects). The baby doesn't have a chance. Aspartame interacts with vaccines and interacts with fluoride. Anyone truly wanting to fluoride water is simply insane if they know this information.


We have seriously contaminated our food and beverage supply but there is one instance where the danger is higher than in all of these examples, and that is drinks packaged in aluminum cans and bottles, including beers, fruit juices, sodas and other population drinks.



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