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This Week At Full-on!


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Sadly Rich we play 'nose bleed music' Eh? and we attract the 'wrong kind of people' oh sorry, I thought you were talking about full-on! - must be another night...


Maybe it was Lisa Lashes, Hixxy or somthing....

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You can only attract people that live on the island (generally) so are we all the 'wrong kind of people' now??


Never been to the nights myself but people seemed to enjoy it and it had a good following, I'm sure it'll work out.


If you need any help give me a shout I'm sure you know who I am. :)


Sadly Rich we play 'nose bleed music' Eh? and we attract the 'wrong kind of people' oh sorry, I thought you were talking about full-on! - must be another night...


Maybe it was Lisa Lashes, Hixxy or somthing....

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You could always ring the Castlemona and tell them your thoughts.. that might help? :rolleyes:


Yes I know who you are Rich - how is business? As an ex-promotor you know how much good will that we have - its just very sad...

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Business is good, keeps me out of mischief anyway. Definately think we should get something together though on the music side. Still loads of opportunities and possiblilities to offer a good range across the board and Full On has the name and contacts to do it.


If I was to describe my music would most probably be along the lines of permenant brain damage :o:blink:


Nah I think the islands still got that good community vibe so long as people respect each other and build on the good things.

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The amount of people that go out on a Friday is limited compared to Saturdays, breeze has the majority share of people in on both Thursday and Friday so therefore there is always going to be more of an opportunity of a small minority not behaving themselves, Full-on! fridays has a good scale of clubbers from every section of the manx workforce. Personally I know accountants that attend regularly, Bakers, Teachers, admin assistants, financial adversors, travel agents and the lists go on. I've heard some people labelling everyone that goes to breeze "scumbags" "doley's" etc but really there's all walks of life. in thought a representation of the Isle of Man's population. I'm in breeze most thursdays and every friday and thats because it is the most popular place on these nights. other clubs have quite often have less than 50 through the door when breeze can say it has 250 in at a minimum. It was a really good feeling when we started at what was studebakers bringing in 600 odd on the first night with a steady respectable number there on in compared to the 20 people the previous week.




As for the music Full-on! plays.... a mixture of funky house/Trance and occasionally hard house. All popular styles of music. We play all these styles in one night as we like a progression. Through observation and experience people like things to step up a gear as the night goes on, where as some like to stay with warm-up style music all night most prefer it.


I'm just greatful for the people that do attend and make Full-on! Fridays the most popular Friday Night Destination.

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5000 and counting... Eh? its the number of hits on this weeks Galley on the Full-on! Fridays web site - plus another 1,200 on the Club IoM site - just goes to prove people like to see pictures of themselves and others!


Oh, and yes lots of the hits are from people off the Island, including those at Uni. plus lots of South Africans who worked here for a while...





Club IoM


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Just two more weeks to go... This week its Paul Hughes 'Trancenation'. If your into Trance, and I know a lot of people are, get yourselves down to Breeze this Friday night for the very last 'Trancenation' at Breeze. If you don't go - you'll regret it!


Doors open 10pm - last entry 1am - £4



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