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This Week At Full-on!


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Naa - no such luck!


But - Dan Armstrong has a night on this Saturday at Legends/Passion/Vibe/whatever - its worth checking out - 9pm ~ 3am.. As a former guest DJ @ Full-on! he knows how to do the business...


Check it out :sweatingbullets:




£3 on the door..

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Good on Dan, hopefully he will get some support and get people down, he is a good DJ, and Legends isn't a bad venue, just the manager who is an @sshole and thats why I won't go down myself, same for a number of people sadly.


All the best & go for it Dan :w00t:

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just the manager who is an @sshole


Aren't they all! :(


Sadly every manager I have ever worked for turned out to be one, except my current boss, although I would be expected to say that as he employs me, he actually enjoys dance music, which is the first manager I have known to do so, and has faith in me without permanently giving it the "big I am".

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Andy Kendle was a good manager of breeze many years ago, his sacking was down to some wrong doing higher up the chain. shame he got some of the blame.


He was a really genuine guy. I'm sure the place wouldn't be on it's arse if he was in charge!


I stand corrected, he was sound with me for a few years, it was when he left it got ugly for me, which is what you always remember sadly.


My apologies and thanks for the reminder Denzel ;) you know what my memory is like, who are you, who am I ?

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Bye bye Full ON Fridays sorry to see you RIP but the IOM is RIP anyway as far as clubs are concerned

I mean take Legends ad says putting the class back in clubbing have you ever heard so much bullshit in all your life

dj line up Slipper as wannabe DJ and Pete i survived death Dunn a has been DJ ( retire you fat twat )

there are a few oringinal class DJ's around Derek Mckenna aka Degs Jnr and Dan Armstrong ,James Turpin

these guys are good for thier Mixing skills


And there are a few real entertainers out there Chris Skillicorn @ Paramount and Dave Kelly @ Nightlife who can entertain with Wit and not not confuse crowds with so callled Mixing Skills lets face it anyone can mix tunes that sound the same yawwwwn

But We Oldie Masters who have entertained for many years get the floor full of happy faces on a natural high and not smacked off tits on drugs

Can you Mixers play a full Tune all the way through to the end and make the crowd laugh ????? I think Not


Im sorry if this pissed you dance dj's off you have your own skills but NO DJ apart from Paul the Legend Hughes is fit enought to wipe Judge Jules Butt yet alone carry his box of tunes to quote kevin and perry We gonna be DJ's ( GET a Life)


Now for the Mobile dj's out there

Keep on keeping on

do what you do best Entertain the crowds who gives a toss if its cheesy as hell if its not broken dont fix it

I can namwe and shame a few dj's and risk back stabbing but I wont but some certain mobile dj's got it so wrong you job is to



So thats my soap box only saying what others think

and now some credits

thanks to the following for helping my career in clubs and mobile as i can do both some venues have gone but never forgotten





Pump House peel

Talons pt erin

Hilton Hotels

Ramada Jarvis UK

School Disco London

Mount Murray

Kennedy Longe onchan park

Grand Island ramsey

Destiny's of Watford



And Finally Master DJ is very unwell Trev Get well soon and yes DJ Lessons for Mobiles are available from me



Take Care im falling off my soap box now aaaaaaaaaaaaaagh ( oh its only 1ft high lol )



manx dj

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Mmm, hope you feel good for that rant, as it has probably dented a few DJ's ego's.


A few points i would like to make, and i know this was your opinion, so i'm just adding mine.


Judge Jules isn't good enough to wipe PH's butt, the few times they played together Paul was far the better DJ, and usually was no matter who he was warming up for over here, and there is no doubt Paul is the best and most loved dj over here, all would agree, but it would be unfair to undermine what others have achieved saying he is the only real dj, I for one have worked very hard for 7 years, harder than someone pressing start/stop on a cd and shooting his mouth off thats for sure.


With regards to the good mixing dj's, there were some good ones left out, but most notably, and shockingly given his club service over last decade or so, Ricky Rooney, yet James Turpin was included, and i'm not knocking James as i know and like the guy, but he would be first to admit Ricky should be in that list instead of him.


Ricky has, along with Paul, kept the more underground dance scene in the Islands clubs alive, and i can't deny that i as a dj benefit from what they have done in the past, i wouldn't be playing dance music now in a club if they never did what they did, well, i believe that anyway.


With regard to certain skills, being gobby isn't a skill, any knob can shoot his mouth, a crafted humour is a skill, but it tends to come with arrogence and a love of their own voice, however, only dedication and passion can get you to be a decent mixing dj, but then, who would know as their all smacked off their tits... :D

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Full-on! as a group is most certainly not dead, as long as our DJ's are still out there we are very much alive.

Full-on! Fridays has ceased but we are still out there and events are still happening. We have been working with DTL and have already worked on two 1000 capacity events so far this year with another 3 planned by the DTL. Unfortunate for most these have been under 18's!

I am hoping to put on a large scale event for our 8th birthday but more news on that to follow shortly.

I play quite often in C'est La Vie and now the Outback, They're not on the scale of FOF but I just love playing to a crowd and getting some cool new tunes off myt chest.


I have respect for any DJ who entertains crowds and enjoys it, whether they be mobile, club or radio.

More respect to the mobile DJ, they do put in a lot of hard work for what they get paid!


There are a few out there who have bought a sound system, lights ... a few hits cd's and parade as DJ's with no interest except for money.

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Yo Visionary my Fave DJ Sorry But Im not creepin ( much ) your better than PH

yes i do rate him as pro but its so hard when at my end of the scale ( the non mixing type )

and its only cause after 7 years i have forgotten my mixing skills

back in 1988- 1990 i was mixing acid house and old skool rave anthems such as alternate and prodigy

how times move on

from 1993 - 1998 ran u18's @ the cave

but in 2001 met 1st wife sold decks and went fulltime mobile ( big mistake )

how I dream of getting back into mixing but confidence has slide although when you see me in nightlife you wouldnt think so

I live in the real world love the party tunes cheese and mobile life

but as you have seen can balance both styles of the dj business im not perfect no one is



Note to denzel dont dis small beginings as the will grow the iom is slipping backward in clubland at the mo


I do rant about certain dj's but the ones who piss me off is the bedroom mixers playing records all day in HMV and pay for them with my taxes aka the dole


I wanna go in select tunes play few secs and buy em with my hard earned cash

But at the mo i dont buy em at all de ja vue


Hate to say this but manx club mentality wil never change its hairbrush diva's and girly tunes to sing along to






Manx DJ

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