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This Week At Full-on!


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'jumping on the bandwagon' - the reason Funktonic is a growing success, is because it provides a really good night out, provides good music and DJs, and a good atmosphere... Whether you beg to differ, thats down to your own personal tastes and preferences...

For some people, different aspects combine to make a good night out, Funktonic obviously provides alot of good aspects that combine to make a good night out for alot of people...


I think people should learn to appriciate other styles of music and peoples efforts and hard work with regard to starting, promoting, and continuing their own nights... If your not happy with the current nights on offer, then start your own... To be honest I think your in a minority who actually come out of their shell to complain/slag off... Other just get on with it...

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In reply to Louis's comment of "if you don't like it start your own night".... there's enough nights going on as it stands. plus I wouldn't even bother starting a funky night because there are at least 4 other places doing it as we speak, not to mention the bars around town warming us up for our nights out. to be perfectly honest, over here... once people have heard there shapeshifters, eric prydz, uniting nations etc they couldn't give a toss what you played. The funky scene over here is DJ driven. too many DJ's pushing it and not a lot of clubbers appreciating it. fair play breeze was busy boxing day but i would say less than 200 people were actually into it, same goes for the likes of full on fridays, I'm not complaining but i just hate the way that funky house is falsley being pushed as the best thing since sliced bread

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