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Who's The Tynwald Leak?


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Hmmm. Let's see...


I'm guessing it's possibly an experienced politician with somewhat Machiavellian tendencies who understands the benefits of deniability and having apparently clean hands. One who is very keen on asserting the prime role of Tynwald Court in all matters, and is probably no fan of the Department of Health.


Someone who wouldn't vote for Mrs Crowe even if hell froze over and she DID offer to help him with a constituency matter.


Nope - can't think WHO it might be!

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I disagree Skrappey - whoever leaked this to the press is the REAL scumbag here, in that it's clearly timed as a blatant attempt to prejudice opinion prior to an election.


This smacks of cowardice and disingenuity too - if you have a problem with someone, sort it out yourself, don't use mealy-mouthed platitudes and hide behind 'it's not me, it's THEM'.


I think the perpetrator of this sad charade should be cast out - even further - into the political wilderness.

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I disagree Skrappey - whoever leaked this to the press is the REAL scumbag here, in that it's clearly timed as a blatant attempt to prejudice opinion prior to an election.


This smacks of cowardice and disingenuity too - if you have a problem with someone, sort it out yourself, don't use mealy-mouthed platitudes and hide behind 'it's not me, it's THEM'.


I think the perpetrator of this sad charade should be cast out - even further - into the political wilderness.



What seems to be being overlooked is that if there is a vicitm of these actions, they may well be in a position where they are unwilling to complain themselves for fear of retribution and or losing their job. Taking on a politician is not something done lightly and politicians know it. I understand the Govt has a bullying policy in place but many people I know in Govt people are just too frightened to use it as ultimatley it becomes their word against a politician and the odds are not evenly stacked. Although hearsay, this is apparently not the first time such accusations have been levelled at this particular lady. A HR colleague tells me it is common to find in many organisations where potentially serious allegations are made, the individual who has been accused would be suspended pending investigation. I suppose given the impending elections this is not an option that is either available or would be opted for fear of pandering to those who "leaked. Also the article refers to "common assault" - I would have thought that would have involved investigation by the police?

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I disagree Skrappey - whoever leaked this to the press is the REAL scumbag here, in that it's clearly timed as a blatant attempt to prejudice opinion prior to an election.


Actually, you could say the same about Cannon's letter to every member of the Keys, since those are the ones who will be voting.

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Someone who wouldn't vote for Mrs Crowe even if hell froze over


Well that's only 24 suspects then.


The 'block vote' of the Council of Ministers will be behind Mrs Crowe and she is a political compadre to one or two others.


We might be seeing "five more years" to quote Mrs Thatcher.

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It seems to me this is actually very important - contempt of the highest court in the land is surely very serious.


It shows than one of our MHK's has no respect for the very institution he or she is paid handsomely to represent us at.


Does anyone know what the penalty could be if the 'leaker' is uncovered?

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It seems to me this is actually very important - contempt of the highest court in the land is surely very serious.


It shows than one of our MHK's has no respect for the very institution he or she is paid handsomely to represent us at.


Does anyone know what the penalty could be if the 'leaker' is uncovered?



who cares, tynwald is there to represent US, and such such we should know what is going on. it's time greenpeace rolled her back into the sea.

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