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Too little too late. If you weren't as thick as I know you to be I'd almost be tempted to think you'd been 'persuaded' to act as you have done.You certainly seem to have done the man and his wife far more favours than you've brought them grief. Funny that is it not?


(see locked thread)



What on earth are you on about Breadbin?

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Is breadbin invisible or something? Yours is the only post I can see here.....


The only other option is that you are attempting to continue a thread that has been locked by the administrator (& owner) of the forum... nah.. it couldn't possibly be that now could it....

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Even I have bored of this subject on the internet. It is no use moaning and whingeing to virtual friends - if you aint happy about something dont just type to the cyber community (they dont care anymore) write to your MHK. People have too many silly things to moan about when the reality is, children are educated and their health care is good, we can afford to eat and we are safe when we leave the house - who cares if others are lining their pockets and doing 'the dirty', I can sleep at night knowing I have tried my best to do good and live a good honest life. No longer do I worry about Ned or Big Al, as ye sow so shall ye reap, good things in life don't necessarily have to be measured in net worth. We should all be counting our own blessings and ignoring the things we can do nothing about. One day they will get theirs.

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thebees,Nov 26 2004, 01:47 PM]

Even I have bored of this subject on the internet.

That's your perogative.


  the cyber community (they dont care anymore)

Gosh. And you speak for all of them? I'm impressed.


... ignoring the things we can do nothing about.

How do we know until we try?


write to your MHK

Of course.


who cares if others are lining their pockets and doing 'the dirty'

Erm. Well I do actually.


I can sleep at night knowing I have tried my best to do good and live a good honest life.

Me too, but does this preclude everything else?

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Me too, but does this preclude everything else?



Gosh. And you speak for all of them? I'm impressed.


Its just the feeling I get.


Its Unisols board, I am sure locking the subject says it all - Its boring and troublesome. There is a Hotmail board where you can discuss the naughties - this is a public forum and we dont want it spoiled. I think I can safely say I talk for the majority of 'all the time' posters there too. Yer honour :ph34r:

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There are many people on the Island who are quite pleased to go through life without having to worry about the nasty side. This is great if you can do so. But none of us know what's round the corner do we.


Maybe you might be diddled out of that hard earned pension or innocently be involved in a vehicle accident and deprived of your income or health through no fault of your own and the system will say - tough, what are you going to do about it?.


Maybe the money that has been paid in taxes might be getting secreted away by evil people. Is that where you want your taxes to go?


And you say you don't care?

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Quite honestly, if you're not interested in local news, why read the forum? I don't come into the music forums calling your threads or contributions boring.


Its Unisols board

Oh yes, it is Unisol's board, I don't think anyone here is in doubt of that.


I am sure locking the subject says it all - Its boring and troublesome

Boring & troublesome? Boring to you - obviously, troublesome - undoubtedly.

The locking the board and subsequent lack of explanation only indicated to me that Unisol was fed up with it. His perogative, his board etc., etc.


There is a Hotmail board where you can discuss the naughties



this is a public forum

Or private?


we dont want it spoiled. I think I can safely say I talk for the majority of 'all the time' posters there too.

Now I'm even more impressed.


Yer honour


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Is That why it was the largest thread on the board, and have you noticed the membership has gone quite a lot since that thread was started


Yep you're right it was the largest thread on the board because all the related posts from everywhere else were merged into that thread.

You're also correct in that the membership "has gone quite a lot" as you put it since that thread was started, now it's locked we should hopefully get some of the posters back.


The threads closed and staying closed, get over it.


If another thread starts up including this one, with the same content as the thread in question that will be locked immediately.



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If another thread starts up including this one, with the same content as the thread in question that will be locked immediately.

So we're not to discuss the biggest news story on the Isle of Man for years on a local news forum?

Like Addie says, we all know it's Unisol's forum, he can do what he likes etc, but it's a bit odd to run a forum and delete/lock threads just because you're bored with them.

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