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Fattywho's? Fantastic Saturday Session Beats Extraodinaire!


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Hello Guys n Gals!!!


Hope all is well and everyone is enjoying their pay packets!!! Took a long time but we got there eventually!


Its a simple lineup to the show this week. Artist hour is in a gathering / development phase so its a special 2hr mix from me followed by our special guest Sumo Sam, followed by the final hour by me. FattyWho?


Sumo Sam - relatively new to the game. Thought I'd let him debut his skills on the show. Not many people know this lad but I've heard him an his skills are smooth. Its up to him to deliver on the night so I'll let him prove his worth to you all! Techy minimal effort, not to be missed!


7-9: Fat Fighters with FattyWho?

9-10: Guest Mix with Sumo Sam

10-11: Full Fat with FattyWho?


Simplicity is always something that works in life. Lets hope the show is as good as I'm making it out to be!


I hope you can make it! :D








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