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[BBC News] DJ Kershaw is freed from prison


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When this first came out I questioned the sense of sending him to prison as like that of 'La Dolce Vita' over something appearing trivial. (it's not often we agree)

It now seems that his exaggerated claims are unfounded and I think he deserves whatever he gets, if only to protect his victim (ex partner). His annoyance at being kept in prison and not released early by the relevant authorities (IMO) was correct, because he proved once again, his failure to abide by the conditions of the Court and therefore must have been considered a high risk. (Good call)


With regards to fleas, it seems strange (to my knowledge) that no-one else has complained of them and maybe he should change his clothing, particularly his jacket (check all the pictures of him) and he claims to have been sleeping in them. One would think that this was self inflicted to cause some type of rash in one form or another? (IMO) No doubt to get empathy from the newspapers.


With reference the fixed window, I understand that the window was not what he meant. There is some type of air gap between the window(s)? which has always been there? and prisoners in the old part of the jail, use cardboard or other items to block the airflow. If thats the case, there's some truth in what he says, but it would seem pointless in rectifying the situation with the new prison being nearly finished.


He mentioned that the prison is like 'an opium den' yet Home Affairs Mr Quayle and acting Governor Mr Ring dismissed this and used statistics (favourite topic) to disprove him.


IMO he is using his past borderline celebrity position to create empathy amongst anyone who listens. I once thought that he was ok, but maybe the pressure of being rejected has unbalanced him. Hopefully he can receive counseling of one sort or another and get over this. Somehow, I doubt this and I've no doubt that more articles will be appearing in the papers soon until they become old news and I hope that Juliette and her family are left alone to sort their lives out as well.

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That is why I retain some sympathy for him.


I don't. If I'd been in prison for 44 days for hassling my ex the first thing I would not do is get pissed, stand in my ex's garden shouting, and then sent a load of iffy texts to her.


I'd agree though that he does not need another prison sentance, surely councilling is a better option here. The prison thing obviously had no effect and we seem so bad at dealing with people who have alcohol problems here.

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we seem so bad at dealing with people who have alcohol problems here.


Correct. Hopefully he'll get what he needs across because he won't get it here. Drug & Alcohol, and Mental Health 'services', I'm looking at you.

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That is why I retain some sympathy for him.


I don't. If I'd been in prison for 44 days for hassling my ex the first thing I would not do is get pissed, stand in my ex's garden shouting, and then sent a load of iffy texts to her.



You are right. But that is where my sympathy comes from. Nobody thinking clearly would act in that way. He seems hell bent on destroying himself and is incapable of stopping it. And I find that a sad situation.

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