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Dc/ac At Villa

Erik Bloodaxe

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Just got home from seeing DC/AC at Villa. I'm a bit wrecked so not going to ramble on (sic Led Zep!) about it but who else went and what did you think of it? I say it was the best night out I had in many months. And Brazen were brilliant in warming us all up. Time to get the head down now..........

The atmosphere was brilliant, a tangible buzz amongst the crowd, a bit like TT week, but I doubt anything could match it this June. Absolutely superb.. :cool:

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Just got home from seeing DC/AC at Villa. I'm a bit wrecked so not going to ramble on (sic Led Zep!) about it but who else went and what did you think of it? I say it was the best night out I had in many months. And Brazen were brilliant in warming us all up. Time to get the head down now..........

The atmosphere was brilliant, a tangible buzz amongst the crowd, a bit like TT week, but I doubt anything could match it this June. Absolutely superb.. :cool:



Sitting here this morning with my ears still ringing slightly - what a fantastic night! Dockers is absolutely amazing as Angus - spot on note for note, looking like the mutant offspring of Angus Young and Norman Lovett. You can't complain for 6 quid, and I'm not a fan of AC/DC in particular.


And it was good to see some youngsters in the audience (including one lad who looked about 12 in a Ramones t-shirt - kudos!) getting their musical education off on the right lines.


We need more nights like this, not just for TT, but on a regular basis. I'm just going to dust off my flying V to wake the neighbours up.

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Just have to say..............awesome.

i would have quite happily paid a lot more on the door for that quality of entertainment.

(Myself and my mates all put extra in the charity boxes).

brazen were fantastic, and Sharon has a cracking voice.

The poor girl came up to me in the crowd to compliment my t shirt (Rush- Snakes and Arrows Tour :cool: ) and she was practically hoarse.

Also, I must thank John on drums for chucking me his drumstick. Many a person was attacked with it later on that evening :ph34r:


Many more nights like that are needed on the island.

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i actually mentioned it to the other member in the party and thought he told you.


Obviously a bit of dementia setting in there, Tugger.


I might be suffering from mild amnesia, you're right. Alternatively, depending on when you made your donation, I may have been unable to see you doing it!

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