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Airbus Near-crash Caught On Video


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bad pilot, he should have put his right hand under carrige on the ground first then the cross wind would have pushed him on to his left, (at least thats what they normaly do)

HE did a bloody good job holding onto it though!

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[anorak PPL mode]


As others have noted, it's quite normal on a crosswind approach to be crabbing in at 45 degrees - the skill is in getting it straight with the rudder at the exact moment of touchdown. Trouble with THAT is that the secondary effect of rudder is to produce roll (primary effect is yaw), and roll may be what made them abort that landing and go around. Jim may have more knowledge on airline SOP's than me, but I believe a single wheel crosswind touchdown is still taught as an acceptable technique to rookie pilots.


[/anorak PPL mode]

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That looked well scary - what was the puff of cloud from ? right hand wheel scrubbing speed off ? Or all the passengers shitting themselves ?

I think the smoke/dust was from when he hit the throttle for go-around. Full power, three Ave Marias and off he went. Official story is that it was caused by wind sheer. The left wing touched the runway and was damaged:



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