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Cold Water On "global Warming"


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Cold Water on "Global Warming"


A new and very different conference on global warming will be held in New York City, under the sponsorship of the Heartland Institute, on March 2nd to March 4th - weather permitting.


It is called an “International Conference on Climate Change” that will examine the question “Global Warming: Crisis or Scam?” Among those present will be professors of climatology, along with scientists in other fields and people from other professions.


They come from universities in England, Hungary, and Australia, as well as from the United States and Canada, and include among other dignitaries the former president of the Czech Republic, Václav Havel.


All told, there will be 98 speakers and 400 participants.


The theme of the conference is that “there is no scientific consensus on the causes or likely consequences of global warming.”


Many of the participants in this conference are people who have already expressed skepticism about either the prevailing explanations of current climate change or the dire predictions about future climate change.


conference homepage: http://www.heartland.org/NewYork08/newyork08.cfm



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Why don't you post your opinion Amadeus rather than just cut and pasting inflamatory links?


This is the quality of that piece:


"Several films will be featured at the conference - including The Great Global Warming Swindle, a British television program that is now available on DVD in the United States. It is a devastating debunking of the current “global warming” hysteria. "


Devastating debunking my arse, that documentory was tripe and very famously, embarrasingly and publicly discredited.

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Why don't you post your opinion Amadeus rather than just cut and pasting inflamatory links?


This is the quality of that piece:


"Several films will be featured at the conference - including The Great Global Warming Swindle, a British television program that is now available on DVD in the United States. It is a devastating debunking of the current “global warming” hysteria. "


Devastating debunking my arse, that documentory was tripe and very famously, embarrasingly and publicly discredited.


I know - when I saw that this film will be shown, credibility took a bit of a dive. Nevertheless, I simply think it's good to look at all aspects of the debate. The global-warming-is-manmade fraction has by now caused absolute hysteria everywhere and at times it seems it's simply not allowed to even consider another theory.


Sure, all the stuff we pump into the sky every day can't be good, and the less stuff we pump up there the better - that's a no-brainer even without the whole climate change debate - but what if, for example, there is a natural element involved? What if both sides are right to a certain degree? What if it's 50-50 man-made and natural - are we double-screwed then?


In case you're now thinking I enjoy burning plastic wrapped fluffy bunnies with 4-star petrol in my spare time to deliberately accelerate the planet's decline, I certainly don't - but neither do I hug trees. I simply like balance in any discussion and if it comes down to the buzz word stage, I take anyone's carbon footprint on and lay you good odds that mine's smaller and probably has been from way before that term was invented.

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I am very sceptical of the whole global warming industry


The whole thing has been seized upon as a marketing strategy by everyone from solar panel installers to petrochemical conglomerates


I just got a gas bill for 600 quid for 2 months and diesel for my truck is now 1.12 per litre but the last hot summer we got was in 1976


Bear in mind 1976 was really hot with water shortages and pensioners dropping off like flies, but China was still an agricultural economy emitting about as much greenhouse gas as Wales. Now China opens a new coal fired power station every month and its still pissing down here every summer like it always was


Global warming my arse

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I am very sceptical of the whole global warming industry


The whole thing has been seized upon as a marketing strategy by everyone from solar panel installers to petrochemical conglomerates


I just got a gas bill for 600 quid for 2 months and diesel for my truck is now 1.12 per litre but the last hot summer we got was in 1976


Bear in mind 1976 was really hot with water shortages and pensioners dropping off like flies, but China was still an agricultural economy emitting about as much greenhouse gas as Wales. Now China opens a new coal fired power station every month and its still pissing down here every summer like it always was


Global warming my arse

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I just got a gas bill for 600 quid for 2 months and diesel for my truck is now 1.12 per litre but the last hot summer we got was in 1976


Bear in mind 1976 was really hot with water shortages and pensioners dropping off like flies, but China was still an agricultural economy emitting about as much greenhouse gas as Wales. Now China opens a new coal fired power station every month and its still pissing down here every summer like it always was


Global warming my arse


I seem to rember 4 or 5 years ago lots of pensioners havinf trouble one August in a year when record temperatures were set. Yes 1976 was a good year but it was not just a question of it being hot but it was also dry so we got all the pictures of dry river beds. Dry and hot need not be inclusive.


Finally whilst 1976 may have been a hot summer it was not the warmest year on record by a long way which if memory serves me right are something lke 9 of the last ten.

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We've covered this to death, do you really want it explained again?


Looks like we have to deal with the deliberately ignorant - 1976 my arse.


I am very sceptical of the whole global warming industry


... the last hot summer we got was in 1976

... and its still pissing down here every summer like it always was


Global warming my arse


Willful blindness is an amazing thing to see.


The only fudging in the science in this graph is reading a themometer every day at over 3000 places and creating an average for each year going back to 1850.



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IMO i think its a load of crap, there is just as much evidence to say that there is no such thing as global warming,

now while i say no such thing as global warming i mean as in its a new thing thats never happined b4,

as the worlds news seam to think,


all depends which side u want to listern two, there never be a right or wrong, and thay allways be ppl that disagree on it,


the thing is, if the news said every day that your road outside was white and not black, after about 20 years you prob start

to belive it was really white after all, you get told something that many times over such a long time you do just except

that is what it really is,


anyways i prob get told im a hatefull person and dont care about the earth and that i should be shot, for not thinking about global warming,

and on another note, that makes me laugh,

greenpeace, u hipocrital gits, not so much now, but years ago used to see them on the news when thay did there protesting in the north sea around oil rigs,

dont drill for oil save the earth, hold on your sat in your huge boat for days at a time burning god nows how many gallons of fuel, in a boat that was made from steel that used god knows how many tons of ore and energy to build,

you prob drove there or used a plane to get to the dock,

but u see that be our fault for inveting oil not theres,


you should be crafteing boats out of wood by the handmade tools and useing wind power to get there,(o what a site that be)

then thay really would be saveing the earth,


1, half would get tired of building the bloody thing and would give up, (prob go home plant some trees and do more good)

2, the other half would prob end up at the bottem of sea, which in turn would save the planet as thay wont be useing any energy no more,


rant over sorry

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IMO i think its a load of crap, there is just as much evidence to say that there is no such thing as global warming,

Do you mind pointing me in the direction of this evidence if there is so much of it available?

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IMO i think its a load of crap, there is just as much evidence to say that there is no such thing as global warming,

Do you mind pointing me in the direction of this evidence if there is so much of it available?


i get shot again for this, for not giveing a direct link to it

search the net for one

i seen many a program that showed that global warming wasent a new thing in the world, that its happined b4, and it will happin again, what ever we do to try and stop it,


and one program that showed the 2 sides of the story,

one for the reason of global warming

and one that its natural way that its happined b4,

and the conclussion was that both are right, and both are wrong, the simple fact is noboody really knows,

but in my view i think its not a new thing


and im sure i read/seen somewhere, that to have an ice age the worlds temp has to rise above a certain temp to

start an ice age,

so in short global warming ends up turning into an ice age, which is the way the earth works,


the thing is, you can put what ever spin you want on it to make it sound better or worst depending on what side your want to listern to,

one things for sure, its going to make a few ppl a lot of cash and keep a few million ppl in work, so some gd will come out of what ever side you think is right

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