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It seems the die is cast for the right---i have been wondering while watching, whats with the shoulders of his suit jackets? they are like Max Headrooms, is there a prosthetic thing going on or are they just cast offs from Dynasty. These Yank politicos ae normaly pretty dapper chaps?

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I think you have to blame the VietCong for McCains shoulders - he can't raise his arms above chest height due to injuries sustained and left untreated during his service (and imprisonment) in Vietnam. He hasn't combed his hair in 40 years!

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he can't raise his arms above chest height due to injuries sustained and left untreated during his service (and imprisonment) in Vietnam.

I suppose that justifies his claim he'll never surrender to terrorists.


I hope he doesn't get in - otherwise it'll just be more of the same old yank stupidity for another 4 years.

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I think you have to blame the VietCong for McCains shoulders - he can't raise his arms above chest height due to injuries sustained and left untreated during his service (and imprisonment) in Vietnam. He hasn't combed his hair in 40 years!

Gotcha, gotta respect a war wound.

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I hope he doesn't get in - otherwise it'll just be more of the same old yank stupidity for another 4 years.

You think you wont get same old yank stupidity (SOYS) if he doesn't?


Clinton and Osama look a bit too slick and polished to my mind - kind of shallow hype and gloss while don't really know what their agenda is. McCain at least seems to have honesty and integrity in his views - even if some of his views aren't to my liking. I've had enough of the darling 'all things to all people' Tony Blair slickos - they tend to be just in it for themselves.


I also think his war experience is relevant - you look on life in a different way after something like that.

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A straight-talker that doesn't follow his own Mccain-feingold bill, oxymoron?

As far as I'm aware he's playing by the rules - sure he wants to change the rules and isn't playing by the rules he wants to have introduced - but this is only a proposed bill. Would you say someone is dishonest if they comply with existing tax rules if they propose tax increases should be introduced?

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I mean the current rules, his application for federal funding and then withdrawal and disputed legality of a bank loan (which effectively used the federal funds as collateral, meaning he should be bound by the funding limits imposed by the terms of the funding)

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I don't know Alias - I hadn't caught on to that - it does sound a bit dodgy. It often seems politicians are lax with the accounting on campaign funding but say they'll be able to manage the economy! Maybe it was just wishful thinking that there might be a straight-up non-slicko honest guy who might get elected :(

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